Plus Pool – IOTW Report

Plus Pool

A pool within the waters surrounding Manhattan. Calling it water is a disservice to water. It’s more like Manhattan’s gravy.

The creators of this pool call it a Plus Pool. It’s supposed to accommodate 2800 people. I call it a Positive Pool, as in testing positive for numerous diseases.

ht/ illustr8r

18 Comments on Plus Pool

  1. It will come CRASHING DOWN under liberalism

    1. Onerous city regulations.

    2. One black person will be kicked out due to behavior, and charges of “racism” will degrade the rules, making it dangerous for any normal person to use it. It will require expensive police monitoring.

    3. Someone will sue, and everyone will come to an epiphany at the same time, “Ohhhhh, right. This is why we can’t have nice things.”

  2. “Plus Pool” is a misnomer. It should be called “Pus Pool” because the diseases they will catch will result in a load of pus occurring in the human body. How hipster will that be to have angry, pus-filled lesions sprouting all over people’s bodies from swimming in the “plus pus pool”?

  3. Gimme a HEP A! “A!”, Gimme a HEP B! “B!”

    What does that spell?


    I can picture the lice floating on top of the water.

    I’d rather bathe in a cow tank.

  4. Well, there’s another way to cruci-fix the problem:

    Just fill it with holy water.

    No germs, vampires, or Protestants would dare enter it then – it would make them too cross.


  5. Wait until the muzlimz realize its a cross!

    BTW – something with a single, little path for 2800 people doesn’t sound like a good design to me… especially when it will look like a target to certain, ethnic Middle Eastern types!

  6. The massive vagrant population will use it to launder their shabby rags, scrub off weeks of grit and smegma and of course relieve themselves. I’d give it a week before it looks like the La Brea tar Pits.

  7. Gross! Can you imagine being stuck in the middle and having to get out to use the bathroom?
    First day the thing would be shut down for decontamination of feces and urine.
    There would probably be a drowning the first day too.
    2800 people in one pool?
    What is wrong with these people?

  8. Thanks, illustr8r. Nice in concept but, like the others say, shame it won’t be built in the First World.

    I’m definitely going to check out that Canadian Water Engineer’s (Greg?) baffle box design; it has great potential for cross-applications in Florida.

  9. In the 50s, with pools for different groups, this would have worked wonderfully. Now, with one pool for everyone, nope.

    Some people have houses on the river. How much would a private pool cost?

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