Point/Counterpoint – IOTW Report




ht/ brad

35 Comments on Point/Counterpoint

  1. They want that reaction, they are looking for violence so they can move on to gun confiscation and then forced vaccination. That is why they float things like not allowing you to fly interstate, clearly unconstitutional. It sure feels desperate, they tell you we will use fear to force you well all this has done was build my resistance and commitment to beating this back and demanding my freedom never be trampled again.

  2. The unvaxxed are not threatening the health of the vaxxed any more than another vaxxed person. Can’t they see that?

    That keep using examples like polio.
    Polio vaccinations were never designed to lessen the severity of polio, it wasn’t giving you a minor form of it.
    It kept you from getting it, period. Each vaccinated person, in theory, would never get it, therefore eradicating it. Covid doesn’t work that way.

  3. I like this second guy, but I’d prefer an airdance from a light pole for a bit prior to utter and too-mercifully-quick shotgun destruction, althogh blowing his lips off at an angle with a more precise weapon so he doesn’t
    die right away would be an agreeable place to start, and then sealing up the blood AND the mouth with the aforementioned blowtorch to effect a crude cauterization before the REST of the festivities commemce would be both just and entertaining as well, and don’t forget that, however small, he DOES have a penis and nutz that should be involved in his end-of-life lesson as well…

  4. In the long run the higher up Libtards no what they are preaching is bull shit. Little minion libtards buy it hook line and sinker. This is Libtards doing what they do best. Creating division. And I believe when they mandate the jab all hells going to break loose.

  5. Aesop’s Fables used to have a grain of truth in them. I guess they still do-except he got this one backwards. Use the pliers and blowtorch on the elite’s children in front of them FIRST and then they suck on the business end of that 12 (or 20) gauge. ‘Cause that’s how they’d do it to us. Count on it.

  6. @BFH – “…Polio vaccinations were never designed to lessen the severity of polio, it wasn’t giving you a minor form of it.
    It kept you from getting it, period…”

    And for that reason, among others, the mRNA is NOT a vaccine. A true vaccine contains a dead piece of the virus that it is designed to prevent. MRNA is a synthetic genetic code designed to replicate the spike protein associated with covid, so that your body can build antibodies. The key here is “synthetic gebetic code” (i.e., not natural).

    And as far as the technical definition of a vaccine goes, PREVENT is the operative term. Vaccines prevent the virus from infecting the body, whereas mRNA does NOT prevent, but rather only lessens the severity of the symptoms. It’s a scam within a scam.

  7. Like Brad said. they are just trying to cause division. What they dont understand is that they are going to end up on a two way rifle range, and we shoot better than any libtard. It is said that there are around 300 million gun owners in this country, that means that confiscation is a no-go. We are the largest standing militia in the world, and even with superior weapons they cant win (Think about Afghanistan), and if Joe the pedo wants to use his nukes, he will just create more of us than he kills. Aesop is %100 correct.

  8. Stirrin the Pot – the Chinese know the score, and they have no intention of mass murdering their population. That is why their Covid vaccine – Sinovac, is real vaccine, made from dead virus. Of course it isn’t available here as Gates isn’t invested in it, and it won’t kill us.

  9. …honestly, though, are we not doing eviceration anymore?

    It’s low tech, all you need is something with an edge and a nearby belly. Doesn’t even have to be metal, a busted beer bottle will do.

    It’s quickly incapacitating, only takes a second to slash but no one can fight you and hold their guts in at the same time.

    It’s extremely painful, and in ways that are whole other kinds of pain because the body doesn’t know how to interpret signals from organs that have spent a lifetime inside when they are suddenly let out, so you get sensations described as burning matches, hunger, tearing, nausea, and howling agonizing twisting and bursting, to name a few, and altogether sometimes, too.

    Also, you can rip them away from the meseteric connective tissue in freshnets of agony, squeeze shit the wrong way inside them, leave them to dry out, or simply hand them back and watch their faces when they try to stuff them back in (which you cannot do).

    They also have the benefit that you can quickly tear them out BUT death is delayed, you don’t bleed out THAT quickly (especially if you do the aforementioned blowtorch cauterization), and it CAN’T be repaired so you can quickly put someone beyond medical aid in a way that lets them live in EXTREME pain long enough to be TOLD they’re gonna die no matter what.

    …so it’s eviceration, or “gutting”, as the ideal solution for people who need to be given lots of pain very quickly in a way thats fatal but gives them lots of pain-wracked time to contemplate the error of their ways.

    …and you wanted to give them sweet merciful death in a fraction of a second shotgun blast…

  10. In other, older words:
    “The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your enemies and chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth and see those dear to them bathed in tears, to ride their horses and clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.”- Ghesgis Khan

  11. SNS (both posts),
    MY, you’re a bloodthirsty bastard!
    I like the way you think!

    “Welcome to the party, pal.”

  12. Thanks, Brad! I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time!

    (Don’t think patriots and saints have the will to do this? Think again, my friends. Think again. We all know that progtards are a bunch of whiny-assed crybabies. All show and no go.)

  13. I must say SNS, your body of iOTW comments offer a complicated, contradictory, contrast in messages. Some posts you offer loving, heart-felt prayer for friends, strangers and even enemies, while on others you offer excruciatingly painful death. I suppose the two can co-exist within you (we all have that internal conflict to one degree or another), as long as you keep them in check and in perspective. You are an interesting individual.

  14. stirrin the pot
    AUGUST 14, 2021 AT 8:31 PM
    “I must say SNS, your body of iOTW comments offer a complicated, contradictory, contrast in messages.”

    …I do war with myself, as I’ve said many times here. I know what my Lord wants and when I step aside and let His voice soeak through me is when I can be something like He would have me be, when I CAN understand and love my comrades and my enemies, when I CAN turn the other cheek.

    On the other hand, I have seen some things that I have HUGE problems forgetting. I have dealt with and experienced what bastards Man can be. I have issues with anger, some of which I could argue is righteous anger, that makes me hate some so much it will probably deny me Heaven. At times I feel hell would be worth it if I can yank a few of those shits down with me.

    And I have absolutely nothing but hatred and vengeance in my heart for pedophiles. I know way more about wrecked juvenile lives than I would even drag into the light here, that I truly wish I didn’t know myself, that I can find nothing but a desire for Old Testamant wrath for. I am by nature a healer and I aggravate my wife that I would trap and release even a spider instead of kill it, but a pedophile I would kill without hesitation, and with as much pain as possible with whatever time I had available.

    That’s not what my Lord wants, I know. But its an undeniable part of who I am that I do struggle with in my faith walk, and the one that’s the most likely to banish me from the side of my Lord.

    And yes, it’s a dichotomy I sometimes wonder that it doesn’t split me. But I am a work in progress and hopefully the Lord will help me through it.

    That’s why I say don’t follow me. Whatever good you see in me is my Lord. The bad is me. I can’t get to Heaven being double minded, but sometimes thats where I am now.

    But maybe such is my fate. Some may need go to hell that the truly godly are spared hell on Earth. If that is the case, so be it. I don’t have it in my makeup to just allow evil to run all over everything unopposed. I do not seek to kill, but I will if they come for my family.

    If that damns me to hell, than I’m already damned.

    But I won’t go alone…

  15. SNS – I am well aware from reading many of your previous comments, of the internal conflict that exists within you, and why. My comment was merely an observation that was triggered by a very extreme response (air dance from a light pole, blowtorch cauterization and evisceration) to a totalitarian tweet calling for severe action to compel the unjabbed to get jabbed.

    I have no doubt that you are deeply religious, and struggle with thoughts and maybe even actions that are contrary to what you know you ought to. I know that I struggle with that dilemma daily. You just lay it out more graphically – not that there is anything wrong with that – as I’m sure there is a degree of cathartic relief in doing so.

    Either way, I pray for you and wish you the best. You are an asset to this site, and a source of very interesting stories and meaningful prayer.

  16. The motto of the Strategic Air Command was “Peace Is Our Profession”. SAC kept the peace throughout the Cold War by being ready, willing and able to unleash thermonuclear hell upon any enemy of the United States that was foolish enough to attack us. As a former member of SAC, I can attest that many tens of millions of Godless, commie rat bastards would have been vaporized within the first few hours. We need to regain that willingness to do what has to be done to the commies who are in the process of destroying our country, no matter who they are or where they live.


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