“Point of privilege” – There’s more footage of those ultra-woke Democrat Socialists – IOTW Report

“Point of privilege” – There’s more footage of those ultra-woke Democrat Socialists

33 Comments on “Point of privilege” – There’s more footage of those ultra-woke Democrat Socialists

  1. Well, we could look at it this way – to cut all that unnecessary “triggering”, of course. These events help spread understanding of the Silvicultural practice of “let it burn”, regarding forest fires. The fires get rid of the diseased, rotten, dead and overcrowded trees, choking undergrowth and myriad parasites. You just have to hope that once the fire has burned out what’s left can still support life and regrowth. Current events suggest – at least to this old man – that we have come to that.

  2. When in power, they will use the trigger whenever they’re triggered.
    (see Hitler, Germany, 1933)
    (see Stalin, Soviet Union, 1924)
    (see Pol Pot, Cambodia, 1975)
    (see Mao Zedong, China, 1949)
    (see Nicolae Ceaușescu, Romania, 1965)

    etc., etc., etc.

  3. It was very brave of that he/him to venture out into the world, susceptible as he is to any sort of noise. 🙂
    Can you imagine any of these people trying to assert authority? One Boo! and they would be fleeing at top speed. These people may support antifa but they are not them.

    I’m thinking that nuking is unnecessary. Noogies should be sufficient.

  4. What will we ever do when this crowd starts their revolution?? I KNOW!. I’ll just shout “Hey guys!” every 10 minutes and they will be completely paralyzed.

  5. I’ve got an ‘aggressive scent’ for their ‘quiet room’.

    If they focus on it, I’ll entertain their guesses on what meal I enjoyed the day before.

    Jazz hands, guys!! oops!

  6. I am triggered by the word triggered and by the way that the guy in charge keeps saying instead of clapping “just shoot these up” This is such a violent and un-welcoming meeting. Where is my comfort animal?

  7. If these snowflakes ever tried revolting we’d just have to use proper pronouns and throw about some name calling and they’d curl up into a fetal postion in a corner.

  8. I wish someone in that building had ‘shot’ that guys hands when he put them over his head. No worries… if someone had done that, they were just following his directions!

  9. @ Billy Fuster AUGUST 6, 2019 AT 10:31 AM

    I’m your huckleberry. Let me at em’ with an air horn and a string of Chinese New Year fireworks and I will be happy to melt the entire Goddamned fiasco to one big puddle of tears.

  10. Uh, yes. It is safe to assume the Communist Party USA recruited them while riding on little buses, with their helmets and drool bibs on, in San Francisco, Seattle, and on the Harvard campus.


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