Poison in the Bill: ACLJ Represents 74 Members of Congress in New Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Poison in the Bill: ACLJ Represents 74 Members of Congress in New Lawsuit


We just took major action in court to fight back against President Biden and the radical Left’s unconstitutional overreach.

Today on Sekulow, we discussed the breaking announcement that the ACLJ is filing a critical amicus brief in court to challenge President Biden’s power grab to control state taxes. It isn’t just our members we’re filing on behalf of; we’re representing 74 Members of Congress on this brief in federal court to dispute this unconstitutional provision of the latest “COVID relief” bill. MORE

6 Comments on Poison in the Bill: ACLJ Represents 74 Members of Congress in New Lawsuit

  1. Wish them well, but I don’t hold out any hope for long term success.

    The Left never gives up on getting what it wants, if they lose once they just increase their efforts keep going till they win.

    And the Right lets them do it.

  2. Anonymous, you are mostly correct, but there is no Left and Right anymore, only Uniparty Statists and Conservative Federalists. The Uniparty wants States to be subsumed into national administrative regions with no sovereignty. Conservatives want to maintain States’ rights as Constitutionally given. From Taxes to Election laws to the Electoral College to student loans to speed limits to mask mandates to vaccine passports and on down the line, everything the Uniparty does is toward hammering us into a brutally efficient totalitarian monolith.

  3. “… to challenge President Biden’s power grab to control state taxes.”

    Who the Hell is “President” Biden? A filthy traitorous usurper has no right to be addressed as the holder of the office he has stolen. He deserves only derision, and, ultimately, removal.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Sekulow is making the assumption that the courts are interested in justice.
    Nothing could be further from the truth.

    The courts have proven themselves to be the toadies, lackeys, and lickspittles of the totalitarian movement – starting with Roe v Wade and culminating with the refusal to countenance the obvious voter fraud that propelled Obola’s second term and Biden’s usurpation.

    Not just the Supremes – the whole judicial system is corrupt.

    “Law” is now a means to specific political ends.

    izlamo delenda est …


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