Poland Proud To Put Country First – IOTW Report

Poland Proud To Put Country First

No more Polish jokes.

The joke’s on us.

16 Comments on Poland Proud To Put Country First

  1. Go Poland! The way the Pro/Libs are ruining our Country, American jokes will be the order of the day if they aren’t already.

    Q: How many Americans does it take to destroy a Republic?

    A: Only enough to win a majority in the House of Representatives.

  2. You can seen the full interview here:


    “Take them all to Germany and pay for them”

    Gee, A leader that understands that he serves the people that elected him and has a duty to promulgate their interests, a lonely man in the European wilderness.

    Poor Cathy Newman, like all superficial dilettante elitists, their head explodes when confronted with someone who doesn’t buy what they are selling.

  3. Rich Taylor, Cathy is already on her second head, Jordan Peterson having pushed the plunger on her first one. Obviously inferior replacement parts, the NHS only allows two new heads and the waiting list is horrendous. I’d get a helmet if I were Cathy.

  4. PSA (for my mom’s half of the family…):
    (traditionally known as racist insult for Poles) = Polish boy
    Polka (yes, the dance you know and love) = Polish girl

    That is all.


  5. Poland sits between the “rock” of Russian and the “hard place” of Germany.
    I wish her the best.
    But if you insist on keeping out the rat-people, you’re gonna get pretty lonely.
    (not that there’s anything wrong with that)

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. How is a white guy calling a Polish-American a “pollok” racist? I thought all white folks were the SAME RACE (sarcasm).

    Seriously, the Nazis thought the Slavs were just a notch above Jews on the subhumans to be exterminated scale. They weren’t white supremacists; they were Nordic supremacists.


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