Polanski could be a serial rapist – IOTW Report

Polanski could be a serial rapist

Hollywood wouldn’t care. They’d still give him a standing O.


(NEWSER) – Roman Polanski is now facing sexual assault charges from a fourth woman, the New York Times reports. Renate Langer says the director raped her in February 1972 when she was 15 years old. The 61-year-old former actress says she was visiting Polanski, who she met while working at a modeling agency in high school in Germany, in Switzerland because he was thinking about casting her in a film. She says she tried to defend herself when he raped her at his home. Langer says she didn’t tell police, friends, or family because she was worried about her parents. “My mother would have had a heart attack,” she says.” I felt ashamed and embarrassed and lost.” She says Polanski called and apologized a month later, offering her a small role. But while filming in Rome, Langer says he raped her again despite her throwing bottles of wine and perfume at him.

Swiss police interviewed Langer about the allegations last month, AFP reports. While Switzerland has no statute of limitations on child sex abuse, a spokesperson says it’s unclear at this moment if charges will be filed against the 84-year-old Polanski. Langer says she decided to come forward after another woman did so in August and now that both her parents are dead (her father died over the summer). A woman named only as Robin M. said in August that Polanski “sexually victimized” her in 1973 when she was 16, according to Salon.


19 Comments on Polanski could be a serial rapist

  1. OT, sorry, late to the game.

    Vegas…if it was a setup, these things are sometimes distractions from other things meant to be unnoticed. The bigger the distraction, the bigger the thing that needs to go unnoticed. Sometimes.

    Anything else happening lately that fits that description?

  2. Polanski was a damned good director, but he had a thing for young girls. In other countries, that would not be a big problem. In the U.S., though, you’d better marry them.

    Like Woody Allen did.



  3. Polanski is not very creative for a freak:

    If he would come out of the closet as a Muzzie, and tell the courts that he has been a SWAP since just before he started raping young girls, the libs would have a parade to welcome him back.

    If some question this story, he could just find a few boys to say he raped them. If needed, he could even post selfies “with” goats which have the ISIS flag draped over them.

  4. Well, of course he is. Can’t change the stripes of a zebra and can’t change the habits of a criminal, who runs from justice.

    Hollywood has ALWAYS been a sexual horror industry. They SELL bodies, on screen and use them any way they choose. They always have.

    The abuse of the power to ‘get a person on the movies’ is second only to the abuse of power used by the lying bastards in congress.

  5. How many of these girls have such wild idea’s about being a starlett that they purposely put themselves in that position and claim rape when they’re not given a movie role?

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