Polanski’s Victim Says Society is Wrong – Smiles in a Picture With Him – IOTW Report

Polanski’s Victim Says Society is Wrong – Smiles in a Picture With Him


“Let me be very clear: what happened with Polanski was never a big problem for me. I didn’t even know it was illegal, that someone could be arrested for it. I was fine, I’m still fine. The fact that we’ve made this [a big deal] weighs on me terribly. To have to constantly repeat that it wasn’t a big deal, it’s a terrible burden.

“The extradition attempt, the fact that Roman was arrested like that, it was so unfair and so in opposition to justice,” Geimer also said in the Le Pointe interview. “Everyone should know by now that Roman has served his sentence. Which was… long, if you want my opinion. From my side, nobody wanted him to go to jail, but he did and it was enough. He paid his debt to society. There, end of story. He did everything that was asked of him until the situation went berserk he had no other choice but to flee. Anyone who thinks that he deserves to be in prison is wrong. It isn’t the case today and it wasn’t the case yesterday.”


It seems this dunce doesn’t know that it is not up to her to say she didn’t have a problem with what he did. Society has a problem with it. Certain crimes do not need a victim to make the charges. The state makes them.

21 Comments on Polanski’s Victim Says Society is Wrong – Smiles in a Picture With Him

  1. If I recall correctly she was hitting the bars and parties trying to “meet” celebrities. And her mother was driving her hither and yon, as she was too young to drive.
    But my memory ain’t much.

    There truly are people too young or too stupid to look out after themselves.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Drugging and raping a minor is no big deal?

    An underage girl could go into a bar with perfect fake ID and drink, then pick up a guy and have sex. The bar could lose its liquor license — being presented with perfect fake ID is no defense and the guy could be arrested for statutory rape — the fact that she was drinking in a bar with perfect fake ID is no defense.

    Is this all being used to bolster the idea that a minor is mature enough to undergo a sex change procedure without parent’s consent and that pedophelia is acceptable?

  3. One of Polanski’s many victims.
    She’s just the one he was being prosecuted for.
    And Polanski said that screwing an underage female was every man’s fantasy. No, no it isn’t.

  4. It’s nice of her to forgive him. The of us, however, know that he forced himself on an underage girl, and that he should be stuffed feet-first and conscious into a wood-chipper set on SLOW.

  5. Hahaha…being underage and fucked in the ass by a predator is just not that big of a deal……..

    This woman is a sick pup. Hey sweetie, what about all other kids he raped???

  6. We have forgotten ‘Justice is blind’. Completely. Statutory rape used to cover a situation where a girl who had reached physical maturity but not statutory adulthood and a statutorily adult male engaged in sexual intercourse. Marriage was a way around that problem if handled in advance.

    There have always been multiple tiers of justice, after all, we’re human and therefore tribal. Our system was supposed to minimize those tiers of justice, thus, justice is blind… to station or situation in life. Equal for all, in its majestic indifference.

    We would be well served to return, emphatically, to that ideal, used in millennia’s old retributive justice, and away from the current individual situational evaluation used in this decade’s restorative justice.

  7. The poor bastard has been running from the law, hiding out in 5-star flop houses, eating in Michaelin rated greasy spoons, and resting in the French Riviera.

    Polanski should be brought back in chains to spend every second of his sentence. Remember, America’s Most Wanted was cancelled shortly after they brought Ira Einhorn to justice.


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