Police Are Doing Nothing As Muslims Deface Our National Monuments in DC – IOTW Report

Police Are Doing Nothing As Muslims Deface Our National Monuments in DC

22 Comments on Police Are Doing Nothing As Muslims Deface Our National Monuments in DC

  1. I would love to see 2 or 3 truck loads of rednecks
    come by and kill every last one of theose filthy sand
    N*****S. Bet they would stop? It will come down to
    US or THEM real soon……..

  2. Is this even America anymore? “Hamas is coming”. Looks like they’re already here and they walked right across our border. Buy more ammo. You’re going to need it.

  3. The Hezbollah Block Association on 192nd Street in Cleveland, OH routinely shoots fireworks into landing passenger jets @ Hopkins Airport – must take ’em back to the good ol’ days of lobbing Katyusha rockets into Israel!

  4. For a government to allow this is an absolute amma clown of every veteran, police officer, and American.

    Why is this tolerated?

    oh so the privileged sons and daughters of rich people can be allowed to demonstrate?

  5. Come on, this is a 1400 year tradition of those who pray to the pedophile, false prophet.
    Racist Americans should accept muslim traditions, since Obama and Biden has flooded our nation with unvetted future islamic terrorists.


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