Police arrest elementary students in Murfreesboro, TN – IOTW Report

Police arrest elementary students in Murfreesboro, TN

AOL: Lawmakers are calling for an investigation after at least five elementary school children were handcuffed and arrested last week in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

elementary school kids arrested TN

It’s unclear how many students were arrested, but reports say their ages range from 6 to 11 years old. They were charged with “criminal responsibility for the conduct of another.”

Officials say the students failed to stop a fight that occurred several days earlier off campus.  read more

14 Comments on Police arrest elementary students in Murfreesboro, TN

  1. If “criminal responsibility for the conduct of another” is to be a believable crime, then every registered voter needs to be arrested for electing all those damned corrupt thieving despotic arrogant power-mad sociopath politicians.

  2. Well, in a nearby city they just arrested a carload of 14 & 15 year olds where the least of their crimes was the car theft. I can see where police may need to get involved with a gang of eleven year olds. Probably not an overreaction.

  3. The school staff should have been arrested.

    It is not the responsibility of the children to wade into a fight to break it up. Had they done so, they probably would have been suspended or chastised for participating in a fight, even though they did not start it. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

    No wonder children are seeking safe zones. They receive mixed messages throughout their school years, see corruption of officials go unpunished, and have a constant barrage of true criminal behavior seemingly sanctioned, and are brainwashed by liberal hogwash.

  4. You know I was brought up (too many years ago) to respect police but it is getting harder with each passing day! Really, for not breaking up a fight–isn’t that the job of police. What happened to those in the fight–no dessert after dinner?

  5. Way to go, po-po, for that teachable moment. Instead of a gentle lesson on how to break up a fight (go get mommy or daddy, go get a teacher), instead you teach fear of “the man”. Arrest? Handcuffs? Charges?
    Grade schoolers? Break up a fight? Off school campus? You have GOT to be kidding me. Six-year-olds aren’t even IN school yet. W-T-F!?
    If it were my children in that situation, I’d make DAMNed sure to show up in court, with my children, and lambast the po-po in front of the judge. If the po-po even showed up.
    And what? “Not sure if they’ll drop the charges”? The po-po better damned WELL drop all charges. Action have consequences. The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences is about to come into play here.

    SMOD, Where Art Thou?

  6. This is in MY backyard, and it embarrasses me.

    The arresting officer(s) should be fired. FIRED.

    FIY, YER, DUH.

    If this doesn’t happen, I’ll personally make sure Rutherford County remembers this when Robert Arnold comes up for re-election.

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