Police Bodycam Footage of Secret Service Responding to Trump Shooter on Roof Released – IOTW Report

Police Bodycam Footage of Secret Service Responding to Trump Shooter on Roof Released

Snipers Took Photos of Crooks Before Shooting, Drone Sent to Water Tower (VIDEO)
*There’s a lot of blood.

14 Comments on Police Bodycam Footage of Secret Service Responding to Trump Shooter on Roof Released

  1. “*There’s a lot of blood.”

    See, that’s funny, because just yesterday, The Gateway Pundit was running an article talking about the lack of blood and brains splattered all over roof. This directly contradicts that.

  2. 1) He should have been taken out WAY BEFORE a shot a Trump.

    2) They close entire bus stations for unattended luggage post 9-11.

    3) “Gas is Off to the Building” so go ahead and have a few smokes while you all try & get your stories straight. FFS!

  3. @Heatsync — I suspect that whether there’s “a lot” of blood or “not that much” blood is highly subjective. I know a person who, if a single drop hits the floor, comes close to fainting away because of all that blood.

    As for Patsy, he was lying on a slight incline, head high. If the kill shot scrambled his brain stem his heart would have stopped at once. No more blood pump, only leak point elevated compared to the rest of his body, means not much bleeding. This doesn’t apply to brain and bone, but it does to blood.

  4. I’ve only seen one photo of Patsy’s head post mortem, and assuming there was an exit wound at all, such wound was not visible. A theoretical possibility for which there’s no actual evidence is that given the angles the bullet entered high on his skull and traveled down his neck and never actually exited the body. Unlikely, but possible. It’s my thought that most of the gooey stuff is from the exit wound, not entrance.

  5. Option 1 is that this was a deep state hit
    Option 2 was that this was incompetence the likes of which we have to suspend credulity to accept that these “failures” all fell a certain way.

    If option 2 then it is evidence that DEI kills and it needs to go the way of the dodo bird.

    There really are no other options on the table. The Constitutional conservatives need to be hitting this and hitting it hard.

  6. ^ Variations are possible:

    1a. It was a foreign hit allowed by our Deep State. The kid is a decoy and probably isn’t dead. The incompetence was staged on purpose for plausible denial.

    1b. It was the kid after all and allowed by our Deep State, whether they knew in advance or just in the last few minutes. The incompetence was staged on purpose for plausible denial.

    1c. The kid tried and they knew he would but they also figured he’d botch it so they had backup and even THEY botched it. The kid was probably killed by a lethal small round close aboard rather than the incompetent sniper who almost fell over backward.

  7. Uncle Al, the death photo that I saw showed what I believe to be an exit wound under the right ear, but I’m no expert.

    And, as a non expert who hasn’t followed every detail, just curious from anyone why the rifle is 4 roof sections away from the body..?

  8. There should have been brain matter and skull fragments all over that roof. And according to a couple forensic docs I’ve read any where from 1.2 to 2 gallons of blood. I question the two gallons, but even 1 gallon is a LOT of blood. They base that off of a head shot from a .308 on up.

  9. I downloaded a PNG of the dead shooter from the day of the assassination, it’s close cropped but there’s quite a bit of blood, bleeding from his ear, nose, and mouth, and a lot of blood from the back of his head/neck but can’t see any wound.


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