Police Cleared of Wrongdoing in the “Shoving” Incident That Cracked Open the Head of 75-Year-Old Man – IOTW Report

Police Cleared of Wrongdoing in the “Shoving” Incident That Cracked Open the Head of 75-Year-Old Man

Remember when an old man tried to relive his glory days by harassing the pigs, and he fell and cracked his head after being shoved?

The Hill:

In the video, both Torgalski and McCabe appear to shove Gugino, who then loses his balance and falls to the ground, cracking his head on the concrete pavement. Gugino spent multiple weeks at the hospital recovering from his wounds.

In a court ruling on Friday, arbitrator Jeffrey Selchick said that Gugino wasn’t an innocent bystander and that no evidence proved the two officers deliberately tried to injure him. 

“Gugino, after the force was applied to him, appears to have not been able to keep his balance for reasons that might well have had as much to do with the fact that he was holding objects in each hand or his advanced age,” Selchick said. 

Selchick also said in his ruling that the 75-year-old man may have surprised the officers, which could interfere with the officer’s performance of their duties, the ruling said. 


In a decision Friday, arbitrator Jeffrey Selchick wrote, “Upon review, there is no evidence to sustain any claim that Respondents (police officers) had any other viable options other than to move Gugino out of the way of their forward movement.”

The level of force used by the officers was justified because Gugino refused to comply with orders to leave the scene and was acting erratically, and walked directly in front of McCabe, according to Selchick.

“The use of force employed by Respondents reflected no intent on their part to do more than to move Gugino away from them,” he wrote.

23 Comments on Police Cleared of Wrongdoing in the “Shoving” Incident That Cracked Open the Head of 75-Year-Old Man

  1. “… no intent …”
    Comes up a lot, doesn’t it?
    How does one know the “intent” of anyone other than himself?
    Mind Reader?
    Fuckin BULLSHIT!
    Never attribute to chance what can safely be attributed to malice.
    The “judge” should err on the side of caution and get these uniformed malefactors off the street.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Funny that he’s the only one around the cops. Shouldn’t have been there doing whatever he was doing which looks like trying to relive the ’60’s. “PEACE LOVE DOVE, MAN!”

  3. Unless a cop tells me to do something unsafe or morally wrong I will comply. For my safety and for his, I have family and friends in law enforcement and they are great people. I know there are some bad ones out there and I’ve dealt with a few, but never gave them a reason to harm me. Overall they are for the good of society through the enforcement of the law. It’s the best we can do and it works well for all who peacefully comply.

  4. Don’t interfere with the police, you won’t get pushed by them. Seriously? You get pushed, you stumble backward a few steps, and fall down. This is not on the police, this is on you.
    Hey, I am a bell-end. Push me so I can sue you!!

  5. He’s an antifa activist and he, along with a professional photographer (for antifa) were seen talking a few minutes before the incident. Weird how the photographer was in just the right position to film it all…

  6. Those stupid cops… yes stupid… should know better than to shove a senior citizen like that. It’s incidents like this that breed resentment against cops. These cops at the most basic level should know how to deal with seniors and younger people.

  7. This is another reason I became a telephone man. Telephones either work, or don’t. Correct voltage? Correct mA? Correct polarity? Correct provisioning? Correct loss, correct dBrnC? Correct stress readings which means nothing to something?

    I went to cop school.

    The rest of the comment self redacted.

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