Police Finally Subdue Giant Black Guy – Peanut Gallery Still Yelling At them – IOTW Report

Police Finally Subdue Giant Black Guy – Peanut Gallery Still Yelling At them

I think the black public just wants the police to leave black people alone, no matter how deranged or dangerous a guy is.

26 Comments on Police Finally Subdue Giant Black Guy – Peanut Gallery Still Yelling At them

  1. “I think the black public just wants the police to leave black people alone”. Yep,until a black person gets hurt….then it’s the racist police that would not stop him because he was coming after black people.

  2. DAMN, they be growin dem dare bubba’s big in Milwaukee!
    Must be all that fine EBT food, but I guess it don’t do nothing to help a persons hearing though!

    All those boys beating on him must have reminded him of when his part time daddy came by to pay for another trick from his momma and lay a beatin on him just for the fun of it.

    Oh and I finally was able to translate his speech to the cops while they were baton-whipping him:

    “this is my rifle, there are many like it, but this one is mine!”
    “thank you sir may I have another!?!”

  3. They resent being arrested, given instruction or anything else by authorities. This is exactly why there are so many confrontations between them and police.
    They think they should have their own set of rules. “No white Mo@ker Fu@ker gonnna tell me what to do”.

  4. Years ago, when I was working in D.C., I was riding with a black co-worker through N.E. who continually and nearly without fail, drove through every stop signed intersection….. without stopping. When I mentioned that those signs wear there for a reason, he glanced over at me and stated “those are white man laws”. I never road with Mike again.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. So the police either murder someone with excessive force, or get the crap beat out of them with ineffective force.

    Good lord these people need serious retraining.

  6. Was riding through East St. Louis, my friend, who was a Police Lt. in St. Louis is black, slowed but, ran every stop sign.
    I laughingly said “citizen’s arrest”.
    He said, you’re stupid or have a death wish if you stop, they’ll shoot you.
    I became much more aware of all the empty burned out houses, crack houses, empty lots and the thugs hanging out at stop signs selling dope or anything else you wanted.

  7. One word I kept hearing during this ObamaPhoneVideo is nigger.
    Nigger nigger nigger.

    Good luck hiring new cops is this jungle.
    Whatever whip-like tool they were using was very ineffective on giant corn-bread eatin’ jungle gorillas.

  8. Did these cops ever learn take-down and defensive techniques with proper use of their intermediary weapons? What an embarrassing display of hands-on arrest procedures…just pathetic.


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