Police Invited To Funeral Of Young Lady They Killed – IOTW Report

Police Invited To Funeral Of Young Lady They Killed

Father of teenager killed by police apologizes
to the officers and invites them to her funeral

The Police Chief Will Be Speaking At The Funeral

Law Officer – MUSKOGEE, Oklahoma – The Muskogee Police Department has been invited to a funeral of a 17-year-old girl who was killed by police after she allegedly shot at officers on Sunday. Steven Rauch is the father of the girl and he apologized for her placing “officers in that position.” He told News 6 that he forgives the officers who shot his daughter and wants those same officers at her funeral.

“I want to hug them, I want everybody else to hug them, they need it, we need it,” Rauch said. He said he does not blame officers for shooting his 17-year old daughter Farrah. He said he knows they are in just as much pain as he is.

“I know they’re hurting. They have to be hurting for what they had to do and that’s what they have to do in a job. I want people to know they’re loved,” Rauch said.


14 Comments on Police Invited To Funeral Of Young Lady They Killed

  1. Dude, you fucked your daughter up. You don’t even know her anymore.

    “I feel like Farrah has a message, this is how she can get her message.”

    Her message was ‘FUCK YOU DADDY!’ emphasized with multiple gunshots.

    I don’t see a lot of hugs in that message.

  2. Sounds like a troubled teen who met up with a piece of shit boyfriend and they dove into drugs.

    I don’t blame the cops and there are many good people who have family members that you just can not help.

    The father seems good to me and divorce happens sometimes for the best. The male offed himself so how fuckin stable can that asshole be?

    Furthermore, not trying to cash in like St. Floyd’s pigshit family.

  3. This is such a bad idea on so many levels. I hope the police chief rethinks this and allows those that knew her to grieve and support each other without and police involvement.

    There is sufficient support and professional help for any officers involved in a shooting. This girl put their lives in danger. Yes, it is very sad that she died, but they were doing their jobs. Their involvement is now over.

  4. As a parent if a similarly mentally unstable young man, this breaks my heart on so many levels. I’ve seen it up close for about a decade now. You love them, you want to save them, you do your best thru the 5150s, 5250s, arrests, assaults, PD, canines, helicopters, ambulances, blood, sweat, and tears.

    This world is an increasingly unsecure world, and it is especially challenging to reconcile the breakup of your parents at such a vulnerable age.

    Sad post, but God bless the father.

  5. It’s hard to say what caused the family to break up. Who’s to blame? I’m not ready to blame the dad, but kids need a mom and a dad. I’m from a divorced family, and I went through some big time resentment. Fortunately I never pulled a gun on anyone, that dumb girl probably thought she was getting even for someone that hurt her.

  6. Meanwhile, in Houston, cops do a Mag dump and kill a one year old in a car seat in the back stop of their ridiculous no skill bullshit. Same day, a dirt bag gang banger returns fire to peeps trying to kill him. Doesn’t hit anybody, cause he sucks, but is charged with “Public Endangerment” because he was shooting into oncoming traffic. I’m not seeing this as fair and equitable. Fucking cops should at least learn the basic rules to gun safety. AND STOP DOING FUCKING MAG DUMPS.

  7. Tragic as hell, and I’ll give the parents the benefit of the doubt that they’re being sincere, but police presence at the funeral is a bad idea that can (and probably will) go south very quickly. Send flowers and a card, but stay the hell away from the event, for everyone’s sake.

  8. I think the issue of a “mag dump” is more complex than a simple training issue.

    I don’t know the stats of how many LEO ever engage their firearms during the course of their career, however, I think its undisputed many factors need to be considered.

    LE are comprised of former military, many probably have at least minor PSTD if they saw combat.
    Post 9/11 many LEA were armed with military equipment (MRAPs etc)
    LE have to anticipate a populous who’ve been taught (particularly the black community) to distrust police by their community members and even from the govt (obama/Holder/Lynch), and “civil rights” activism as far back as the 60s.
    LE enforcement engagement(s) used to differ b/t metropolitan v rural. This can no longer be assumed.

    If a cop arrives on scene and the suspect’s automatic response is to begin arguing and displaying belligerent behavior, one must assume the situation will only escalate. Rarely does de-escalation occur. Tempers flare, situational awareness is heightened and split second decisions (on either side) can and do erupt.

    Is a “mag dump” necessary, particularly when numerous officers are on scene? The obvious answer is no, but given the above, coupled with an adrenaline saturated environment, I’m not surprised by the outcome.

  9. Stand-up dad.

    Individuals alone, are responsible for their actions. Bad behavior is on the daughter, and seeing what a stand-up guy the dad is, I’m guessing mom – as in most of these situations – was the nutcase.

    No one will CARE if the cops show up – WHITE girl got shot. 🙄


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