Police on the lookout for an idiot – IOTW Report

Police on the lookout for an idiot

He rented it. And wrecked it.

ht/ NAAC

23 Comments on Police on the lookout for an idiot

  1. …life yet again validates the observations of the late, great P. J. O’Rourke…

    “You have to get a car that handles really well. This is extremely important, and there’s a lot of debate on this subject—about what kind of car handles best. Some say a front-engined car; some say a rear-engined car. I say a rented car. Nothing handles better than a rented car. You can go faster, turn corners sharper, and put the transmission into reverse while going forward at a higher rate of speed in a rented car than in any other kind. You can also park without looking, and can use the trunk as an ice chest. Another thing about a rented car is that it’s an all-terrain vehicle. Mud, snow, water, woods—you can take a rented car anywhere. True, you can’t always get it back—but that’s not your problem, is it?”

    …and I’ve seen what folks do to rental HOUSES too, makes me glad I’m not a landlord…

  2. SNS

    As a rule of thumb, none of them handle well when the tires are not on the pavement. The same applies to boats when the screw is not in the water. Ask me how I know.

  3. Brad
    MARCH 21, 2022 AT 7:28 PM

    As a rule of thumb, none of them handle well when the tires are not on the pavement. The same applies to boats when the screw is not in the water. Ask me how I know.”


    …how DO you know?

    And how BIG a boat?

  4. SNS

    21 foot Ranger with a 250 HP Merc. A good mid 70 mph boat. Early spring, California Delta, lots of wood floating. I got half way across an intersecting slough and noticed a big ass root ball. Pointing the wrong direction. The floating tree was about 6 inches under water. I had a hell of a time getting the boat to steer again after hitting the water because the prop was washed out. Must have been entertaining as hell to watch. I always back off the throttle now when going through intersecting sloughs. Amazingly no damage done to the hull.

  5. When jumping a motor vehicle you have to keep just a little power in reserve to give it a little kick just before the front end goes airborne, otherwise you’re likely to do the kind of nose dive that asshole in the Tesla did. What a stupid jerk.

  6. Brad
    MARCH 21, 2022 AT 7:43 PM
    “A good mid 70 mph boat.”

    …I know little about boats, but isn’t 70 mph really, really fast in the water?

    I mean, boats can’t exactly brake or anything, as you more or less demonstrated…

    …and does the propellor have to be turning to steer, or do you have to feather it like a plane propellor if there’s an issue with cavitation or something? I thought the housing in front of the propellor acted as a rudder with or without it…

    …and yes, I know this isn’t Boat Forum, but I take my opportunities to learn where I get them. I never personally operated anything bigger than a (rental) pontoon boat on a placid lake, and growing up rowboats and small engine John boats also on a lake were more my speed…

  7. SNS

    Yes, 70 mph is smoking fast. Bass Boats are all about speed. They hydraulically “Trim” the motor back so it lifts the majority of the hull out of the water. AT speed and fully trimmed a Bass Boat actually only has about 18 inches of hull from the transom forward in the water. Out west here there’s a couple lakes that have started posting speed limits.
    I had my current boat radared by a CHP who was taking a siesta by the side of a slough. I yelled up and asked him if had a radar gun and he was all over it. LOL

  8. I hit a bad RR crossing in my Dad’s Fiat 124 and got it airborne once. I realized my mistake but with no time to do anything about, I just rode it out. Don’t make any sudden moves!

  9. This was in LA, and I would be fine with it as long as these morons just stayed there, but they are spreading out and infecting the rest of the country. And they vote.

  10. There was a prominent family back in our town in Oregon. About 25 years ago their teenage daughter (driver) and two of her friends were out joyriding, and hit a rise in the road at a high rate of speed to “catch some air”. Car hit the ground, went out of control, and crashed. Driver was OK, but one girl was dead, and the other a paraplegic for life. Bad choices have lasting consequences.

  11. God protects young dumbass idiots, my best friend and I did that once while driving too fast over an old wooden railroad bridge with a big hump in the middle of it, he was driving his mom’s 66 Pontiac Bonneville and we went airborne and landed hard on the other side of the bridge. Luckily we didn’t break anything or kill ourselves but if his mom would’ve found out she would’ve killed us both. She used to say that she’d like to be a fly on the wall to keep an eye on us. Like the time we tried making homemade huckleberry wine in his moms laundry closet in a gallon glass jug and it blew up because of too much pressure and made one hell of a mess. Which we ended up cleaning up, she wasn’t very happy with either of us.

  12. I remember being a first responder at an annual event in Boulder. The event has all the makings of a complete cluster, and is a lot of fun. What more could you ask for: Sun, warm (mid 80s), lake front beach, all you can drink beer, free music by up-and-coming artists. Oh, yeah then there was the jeep full of college kids who decided it would be a good idea to drive very fast down the frontage road, with speed bumps, and not wear seat belts. Guess where that ended up.

  13. This is the kind of guy that goes to Ukraine thinking he’s cool to do it before finding out what the reality is. Moron. Posting it? You deserve everything coming your way.

    The only jumps I do now-a-days is over railroad tracks.

    Learned about 45 years ago to never use power or brakes while crossing them, but you have to go over them with some speed. Let your wheels dangle as you glide over. It’s best if the tracks are some kind of higher than the plane of the road you’re on.

    No matter how rough they are when going slow, it’s nothing if your vehicle’s weight isn’t pressing down when you cross them. Works for pot holes too. Have speed, then let off the gas at the last second and glide over.

    My last GF asked where I learned to drive like that after I went 2 miles through a rough dirt road in the Smoky Mountains filled with pot holes and twisty turns. She was bottoming out her shocks right off the bat until I asked to takeover.

    On a pot hole filled road with tracks at the end of it – every day for 2-3 years. It was a shortcut my friends (who lived there their whole lives) gave up on until I mastered it.

    I do enjoy passing slow, bouncing cars and trucks on the local tracks while never slowing down for them. Just let off the gas for a second or two as you come up on them.

    I giggle that some guys hit the gas hard after I pass them on the tracks, thinking it’s a race or something. Nope. Never go faster than the limit. You just don’t know how to drive.

  14. “Police on the lookout for an idiot”

    Like Antidote wrote.
    Or try any street corner.

    Cops must be morons if they can’t find an idiot.

    Oh! A specific idiot? That’s different.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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