Police search for man accused of knocking woman unconscious with frozen sausages – IOTW Report

Police search for man accused of knocking woman unconscious with frozen sausages


Police in Des Moines, Iowa, are looking for a man who allegedly knocked out his father’s girlfriend with a package of frozen bratwurst. The 50-year-old woman had a deep gash in the back of her head when she spoke with Des Moines police at Mercy Medical Center on Thursday.

The wound, which required staples, was the product of a spat with her boyfriend’s 44-year-old son. She was fed up with the son “freeloading and paying for nothing” for the past month at their home.

When she turned to walk back inside the home, the man hurled the sausages at the back of her head. The woman said she blacked out and fell from the blow.


12 Comments on Police search for man accused of knocking woman unconscious with frozen sausages

  1. My mom used to tell of a true story involving the murder of a man in (I think) New York. In those days, like now, she would always start, the police would sit for tea or water when talking to witnesses or deceaseds’ family members. In this case the widow invited the two detectives to join her for dinner.

    She served them a lovely lamb and mint sauce, a meal she herself picked over because, she said, her husband should have been eating it with her.

    In the end the police did figure out the murderer who’d bludgeoned the unfortunate man with a blunt object. It was the mourning widow, and she fed the later- defrosted and cooked leg of lamb to the detectives. They ate the evidence!

  2. Just looked it up out of curiosity and turns out this is a short story by Roald Dahl. Not sure if he based it on a real incident or Mom was just telling us that tale. She was a great storyteller and even when we knew it was from a book or whatever, she told it like no one else.

    She’d lived in NYC at one time before I was born so not sure how this evolved into her “tell me a story” repertoire, but that city gave her loads.

  3. She was fed up with the son “freeloading and paying for nothing” for the past month at their home.

    So, looks like the perp might have freeloaded on the assault weapon. What a “brat” he is! He’ll be paying for something now, I hope.

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