Police try and stop woman wielding knife with tasers and sponge bullets… – IOTW Report

Police try and stop woman wielding knife with tasers and sponge bullets…

JCLady sent in a story about a woman, Shukri Ali Said, who threatened a family member with a knife and wouldn’t put it down after being found wandering the streets. She was tasered and shot with sponge bullets.

Johns Creek, Georgia police put an end to the situation by using bullets sans the sponge.


There are muslims everywhere, and they seem to enjoy knives.

The first comment at the site is this one—>

Two policemen couldn’t disarm a woman with a knife? Like one circle behind her and tackle her? Like call for help?


How about one distracts her with card tricks while the other one drops out of a tree on her head?

Or maybe lure her into cage with a piece of cake on a string?


14 Comments on Police try and stop woman wielding knife with tasers and sponge bullets…

  1. OK, I have to show my ignorance….WTF is a ‘sponge bullet’?
    It sounds like something that soaks up the impact of a serious projectile.

    I.E. using baby gloves on a crybaby so as not to cause harm or pain. Therefore, dissipating any intentional implication of correcting the root problem.

  2. Or maybe ask her where she got those cute shoes. And when she looks down, you throw water in her hair and she’ll start crying because you ruined her hairstyle and then, after handing her some kleenex, you guide her into the police car. But before you get to the police station, ask her if she wants a fresh garden salad that she could eat on the way.

    NO! Shoot the bitch!

  3. Johns Creek is a wealthy suburb that loves them some die-versity ……..Its like Northern Virginia. That said it is strange that out of all the tools they have, the guns seems to work the best.

  4. I’d love to see one of those “she posed no threat” commenters being harassed by a tiny woman with a knife and see how they handle it. They would call the cops, like her family did because they felt SHE POSED A THREAT!

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