Policy Proposal – Fat people should get more food stamps because they eat more food – IOTW Report

Policy Proposal – Fat people should get more food stamps because they eat more food

The frightening part of this policy proposal, that fat people should get more food stamps because they require more food, is that there way too many people (namely women and city dwelling beta males) that would scratch their wooly beards (and I’m including the women) and think, “why didn’t I ever think of that?”

The left needs to be eradicated for the betterment of the world.

Continental Telegraph

An interesting claim here being made by an activist called Sonalee Rashatwar, that fat people should gain more in welfare. Because, you see, it requires more food to keep a fat body fat, therefore more food stamps should be on offer to those carrying that extra weight that needs to be fed.

In a number of cultures a certain heft on a woman is a sign of wealth, of riches. For in a subsistence society only the rich can actually be hefty. And now the insistence is that we should all subsidise such a social appearance of wealth?

And the thing is, she’s making a good living out of this so she’s not crazy. The people who pay her however…..



37 Comments on Policy Proposal – Fat people should get more food stamps because they eat more food

  1. sonalee ratshitwar?? disgusting fat ass scrunt! Reinstate soup kitchens and lines……
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Fantastic idea! Just limit purchases to meat (cheaper cuts than rib-eye, etc.), chicken, fish (no shellfish), veggies, dairy and low-fat dressings. No sugar, no carbs, no junk. When they all lose weight and have extra stamps, they can just sell them like they do anyway.

  3. A old manual on communist subterfuge and sabotage advises, among other things, making the most absurdly backward administrative and policy decisions you can. The goal is to waste money and time, and to deplete the morale of people who still have common sense but have no power to fight the policy. I’m convinced that this is just one of a thousand such examples.

  4. I guess it is only natural to assume they would also pay a correspondingly higher ‘carbon tax.?’ They probably fart more- someone should do a story on that.

    A somewhat similar ‘fat argument’ was recently raised in West Virginia regarding pollution. “Did you know that West Virginians can tolerate polluted water because they are fat and don’t drink much water?”
    They argue that, since people are eating less fish, they can let the mercury levels in fish raise. They also don’t mention that fish caught in West Virginia are not supposed to be eaten.

  5. Then those fat people on SNAP will have more health problems that WE will also have to pay for.

    Cut my lawn, fatty, and I will PAY you $20 so you can buy cheeseburgers.

  6. Hogs of the world eating on America’s largese shold get LESS.

    So barry obama’s legacy is to put a Cpl Klinger in every squad, and Fat Mike’s is to starve children and trough-feed beasts lie her/him if the resr of ua pay.

    Fat people on food atamps should get LESS food stamps, so they’ll lose weight, and cost the welfare med system less money for the fatties’ care.

    The left’s goal: anything to destroy the American fabric and create crisis.

  7. So based on THIS ‘logic’ pass out the heroin…so they can all…pass out.

    We are living in an age of a LACK of Wisdom and particularly COMMON SENSE.

    It is getting to be on the staggering level!

  8. first, they want a ‘carbon tax’ to be based on ‘footprint’
    next, they want foodstamps doled out by ‘assprint’
    I won’t even attempt to guess what they come up with next, but there is a Mr. Butt running for President

  9. Let them eat all they want – out of a public trough supplied with a slurry of expired supermarket food. In fact, chain them there and MAKE them eat it until they croak (or burst, whichever comes first).

  10. If I’m fat I get more food stamps? Hmm, maybe I should get fat.

    This would be like saying if you have more kids you get extra welfare benefits…Hey, wait a second.

  11. Ok I’ll play along….is she willing to pay more for clothing, airline seats, highway taxes (extra weight wear n tear)…. I could keep going.

  12. Choice, libs. It can be used in situations that are not even remotely related to abortion. Choose better foods. Choose to eat smaller portions. Choose to get off your ass and move. Choose to leave the taxpayer out of your schemes

  13. There’s something…circular…about more food stamps for fat people…but what is it exactly? It’s a weighty subject. Maybe the concept it just too big for me to grasp…I can’t quite get my arms around it.

  14. If they can attain and maintain their grotesque bodies with the current level of support just imagine what they will be able to do given a supplement.

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