Political Comedy – IOTW Report

Political Comedy

Republicans Aren’t Real People (You’ll know when the political stuff ended.)

Solving The Immigration Problem  (You’ll know when the political stuff ended.)

Norm MacDonald being interviewed by his sister-in-law. It opens with Seth Meyers, a “comedian” I loathe, beclowning himself talking about Trump colluding with Russia. What a smug dunce.

Then MacDonald talks about political comedy.

3 Comments on Political Comedy

  1. I watched 22 seconds into the first video and it confirmed my theory these clowns all hang out and live together in the same 650 sqft apartment continually bouncing the same jokes off each others hollow little noggins. If he lives in California he’s never ventured out of West Hollywood.
    And things get worse when they try and drive home their pointless political points. No one gets the point.

  2. I like Adam Carolla, and I think he is like so many others, including a lot of us. He isn’t ‘right-wing’, or ‘left-wing’. Not Democrat or Republican. He just wants what is best for his family. And he looks at particular laws or events, and can rationally decide what is fair and what is wrong.
    The Leftists paint us as Nazis, simply because that is easy and lazy to do. They have all of NBC et al echoing all of this, so people like my mom who only get their news from the lamestream media think that we really are authoritarian Nazis. But realistically we are primarily small-government libertarians who want the freedom to create our own lives.
    Positive note re mom: she expressed that she was upset that LA Times didn’t even mention Pearl Harbor Day – and showed me a letter to the editor a couple of days later echoing her sentiment.


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