Political Health – The Motives of a Very, Very, Political Dr. Fauci – IOTW Report

Political Health – The Motives of a Very, Very, Political Dr. Fauci

Start with this sentence he wrote in an email to Hillary’s handlers back in 2012.
“please tell her I love her more than ever”
[more at the link]

CTH: There’s been a debate about possible political motives surrounding the panic he has created; the massive economic damage he has inflicted; and the conflicting assertions of National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases (NIAID) Director Dr. Anthony Fauci.

CTH identifies the motives as sketchy.  He appears to use his position to advance theories and yet position himself to avoid scrutiny.

Sometimes within a 24 hour period Fauci will make a statement, then contradict the initial assertion, then attempt to cloud his own conflict with obtuse and wordy explanations.  After watching for several weeks, we called it out HERE.

Perhaps one way to help see through the professional obfuscation, and identify just exactly how political Dr. Fauci is, would be to: compare and contrast Dr. Fauci under President Obama in September 2009 after 3,000 to 4,000 H1N1 deaths in the USA  -vs- Dr. Fauci under President Trump in March 2020 after 200 to 300 COVID-19 deaths.  read the entire article.

24 Comments on Political Health – The Motives of a Very, Very, Political Dr. Fauci

  1. So we can pinpoint who -at least one of them- is responsible for doing serious damage to millions of people by fostering phobic and unwarranted fear among the public.

    Fearmongering for political purposes with no concern for the harm it causes to people.

    But who will hold him accountable for his actions and how?

    The answer is no one since there is no venue to do it or any kind of penalty to be imposed on him.

  2. Anyone that loves Hilary is disqualified from any position that requires a conscience or an intent to do right, for the right reasons. He clearly cannot be trusted to behave in a manner that does justice to his office. How did he get in the Trump administration in the first place?

  3. Remember when President Trump made the reference to the “Deep State Department”, and this little weasel bowed his head a little and covered his face with his hand to hide a smile? I now believe it was a smile of self satisfaction, I think he believes Trump really stepped in it there, and that he sees himself as a key player in the takedown of President Trump. He deserves an unfortunate accident to happen to him.

  4. He just might be taking himself down to swim with the fish on the long line offered by PT.
    Or, is PT having his peeps doing something more strategic during the lockdown. Sumtin more going on here.

  5. The guy is a hypocrite deceiving lying pos that ought to have been fired long ago. However, Trump made the decision not to fire him, and the decision to put full faith & trust in his advice.

    Clearly he shouldn’t have, but he did. He’s responsible for taking the advice and for fixing it going forward. If he does it just right, as he often does, but this fix is trickier to get right, the left will throw the doc under a fleet of buses for illuminating their willingness to destroy lives & businesses to get Trump out of office.

  6. Dr. Fauci? I think my precious Petey B was a little too rough with my unbleached elastic starfish last night. It hurts so bad it feels like I got furiously rammed up the ass. Oh wait. That’s because I was!

  7. From an American Thinker article several days ago. It reinforces this thread:

    “…We put fearmongers in charge. Dr. Anthony Fauci is the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). As the head of NIAID, one of Fauci’s core responsibilities is to get Congress to spend more money on infectious disease research. For decades, he has testified that the cure for AIDS is right around the corner, that ebola virus is coming for us, or that some cross-species plague will emerge from a Chinese wet market, and we just need more money to research it. The current events have played right into his fantasy, but as pointed out above, it is a fantasy. This is the equivalent of noticing holes in the ozone layer and then putting Chicken Little, an expert on the sky, in charge of the response….”


  8. Get rid of neg-head debbie downer fauci. The guy lives in an ivory tower and cannot bring himself to say anything positive hopeful or uplifting. Would it kill fauci to remind people that the risks are low, deaths from this are low, and tell everyone to chill? We need that now not some grumpy egghead who isnt in synch w djt.


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