Political Pope Calls for Global Wealth Redistribution, Says Trump Tax Cuts a “Structure of Sin” – IOTW Report

Political Pope Calls for Global Wealth Redistribution, Says Trump Tax Cuts a “Structure of Sin”

We Love Trump: Pope Francis’s recent comments on wealth and taxation left many scratching their heads, wondering what the deeper implications would mean.

Calling tax cuts for the wealthy a “structure of sin,” Pope Francis passionately urged for international wealth redistribution. 

That’s right: the Pope wants to redistribute wealth across country borders.

Is the pope suggesting we form one world government?

40 Comments on Political Pope Calls for Global Wealth Redistribution, Says Trump Tax Cuts a “Structure of Sin”

  1. …N.B. to Pope Fraudus…I know you’re not familiar with the Bible, but you might wanna check with your ostensible Boss on this one…

    “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.”

    Exodus 20:17

  2. Is he wanting to “redistribute” altar boys for all, too? 😳


  3. I vaguely recall something about not pointing out the speck in your neighbor’s eye until you have removed the plank from your own. So, where’s the audit -and the refund or redistribution- of the Peter’s Pence collection?

    The level of moral outrage in the pews is rapidly increasing as the moral authority of the Vatican is diminishing; adding politics and economics to the mix is not helping.

  4. …also, doofy hat guy, this…

    “15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

    16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

    17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”
    1 John 15-17

    …for someone who’s supposed to be trying to help folks reach Heaven, you’re SURE spending a LOT of time grubbing around on Earth…

  5. Francis and Bernie: two corrupt imbeciles who want to spend everyone else’s money. Question for Francis: there are about 1 billion Catholics out of a world wide population of about 7 billion people. If you order your flock to redistribute their wealth world wide, how are you going to force the other 6 billion people to redistribute their wealth?

    I’m starting to see the opportunity for another Crusade here, against all of the heathen who refuse to redistribute their wealth. (I’m looking at you, Amish folk, for starters). Bloomberg’s and Sander’s death panels would pale in comparison to a crusade body count.

  6. Christ spoke to the individual saying that God was within you, love was within you, goodness and grace and good works for mankind within you…not some sprawling church, not the government and not outside of your own personal choice…it is a Pope like this , a fucking nazi, who set off the Reformation , a protest leading to war and Protestants and a new recognition of the dignity of man.

  7. I am not a Catholic so bring some salt coming from me but this kind of crap from the Pope and say, washing the feet of Muslims , tells me that the voice of Jesus is not who he listens to…

  8. Father Bergoglio can’t help himself: He is a communist, through-and-through. We don’t call him Red Francis for nothing. Mass attendance at my Parish has plummeted since his elevation because people are repulsed by his turning from the teachings of Jesus to the musings of Marx.

  9. This Pope has done one good thing that I can think of. Having been divorced and remarried, I used to feel bad that I could not participate in the Sacrament.

    I no longer do.

  10. Antichrist is the pope and the Turk [Muslim] together. A beast full of life must have a body and soul. The spirit or soul of Antichrist is the pope, his flesh or body the Turk. ~ Martin Luther

  11. I still don’t know what skullduggery occurred that forced out the last living pope? I don’t much care but there seems to be something sinister going on. Pope’s usually serve for life.

  12. “Antichrist is the pope and the Turk [Muslim] together. A beast full of life must have a body and soul. The spirit or soul of Antichrist is the pope, his flesh or body the Turk. ~ Martin Luther”

    Nah. The AC will almost certainly have to be a Jew for Jews to accept him as Messiah.

    However, the structure of ecumenical Rome merged with evangelicalism, Islam, and spiritistic/pagan/new age earth worship would make for a great start of the coming one world church.

  13. While visiting the vatican I got mad looking at the incredible wealth in the gold leaf, statues, marble, etc. that was used. I realized it all represented billions of dollars (in today’s wealth) that was pilfered from peasants over hundreds of years.

  14. Speaking of Commandments, here is the story of how they came about.
    (A Jewish friend of mine told me this story, so I know it’s true)

    A long, long time ago God went to the Egyptians and asked them:
    “Would you like a Commandment?”
    The Egyptians said “What’s a Commandment?”
    God said “A Commandment is like… Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife”
    So the Egyptians all huddled up and talked it over, then went back to God and said:
    “No thank you. That would screw up our weekends”

    So God went to the Assyrians and asked them “Would you like a Commandment?”
    Just like the Egyptians, the Assyrians asked God: “What’s a Commandment?”
    So God told them: “A Commandment is like… Thou shalt not steal”
    Well the Assyrians huddled up to talk it over for a while then went back to God and said:
    “No thank you, that would screw up our economy”

    So finally God went to the Jews and asked them:
    “Would you like a Commandment?”
    Now the Jews didn’t ask God anything about what it was, but instead asked:
    “How much does it cost?”
    God said: “It’s free!”
    The Jews said: “Great!! We’ll take ten!”

  15. The United States is not a Catholic to heel to that
    socialist dream. He can ask his fellow Catholics to
    donate and help the needy. He can even ask that they give up their wealth and follow Jesus, who asked just that.
    Dictating national tax policies IS NOT within his authority
    and many Catholics find his attitude about telling Caesar what to do with Caesar’s tax money disturbing.
    Jesus answered that question very clearly and the Pope
    doesn’t seem to agree with him.


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