Politicians – This sums it up nicely – IOTW Report

Politicians – This sums it up nicely

From Shang-

A politician visited a village and asked what their needs were.

“We have 2 basic needs, sir,” replied the head of the village. “Firstly, we have a hospital, but there’s no doctor.”

On hearing this, the politician whipped out his cell phone, and after speaking for a while he reassured the village leader that the doctor would be there the next day.

He then asked about the second problem.

“Secondly sir, there is no cell phone coverage anywhere in this village.”

13 Comments on Politicians – This sums it up nicely

  1. This reminds me, I sure hope W mortgages his Crawford “ranch” to raise money for his protege Lynn Cheney’s noble reelection fund needs. And isn’t telling that they are having their big fundraiser in DALLAS for WY’s lone Congressman ?!

    Come on up to WY Bush, so I can throw my boot at your elitist head. And not miss.

  2. I call BS on the story. Why would a politician
    “visit” this backwater shit hole?
    More likely the politician, while on a lobbyist paid fact finding junket, was separated from his hunting party and some of the locals rescued him. After the cell phone stunt they learned him to squeal like a pig.

  3. Anonymous
    SEPTEMBER 23, 2021 AT 9:53 AM
    “This reminds me, I sure hope W mortgages his Crawford “ranch” to raise money for his protege Lynn Cheney’s noble reelection fund needs. ”

    No need.

    I got this.

    You’re welcome.

  4. Dominion,
    you don’t have to brag. Elections have been total shams since forever. From national media calling races before the polls closed, to candidates getting to keep funds for losing, to commie-turned-tycoon Bernie suddenly having 3 homes, we’ve seen it all.

    I just want W to mortgage the ranch to show: he’s stupid, a player on the anti-Americans team, and a spiteful little drunkard. IOW, a true heir to the Bush legacy.

  5. @ Anonymous SEPTEMBER 23, 2021 AT 9:53 AM

    The congressional Representatives from rural Washington State are hand picked by the Bellevue Boys. These lying, deceitful scoundrels run the WSRP and yet cannot even hold their own “safe” districts now.

  6. PJW posted a new video that documents Facebook shutting down live streaming in Australia as well as shutting down cell towers near protest sites. It will probably be up on YouTube and other sites soon.

  7. After Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Biden, the various Kennedy’s, and the RINOs in our midst, why does anyone trust politicians anymore? Most of them breath the same foul air as crooked lawyers and used car salesmen.

    Trump is not a conventional pol, just a guy who is concerned about America’s direction. Yeah, he didn’t do some things I wanted him to do, but I defend him partly because the corrupt media hates him and still claims he’s a fascist and a wanna-be dictator, with no evidence whatsoever. And he’s a thousand times better than the rotten old bas-turd who currently occupies the WH.

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