Politico Asks: “How Much Would You Pay For A Virtual Dinner With Hillary Clinton?” – IOTW Report

Politico Asks: “How Much Would You Pay For A Virtual Dinner With Hillary Clinton?”


HILLARY CLINTON is appearing at a “virtual dinner” on Zoom for the Biden Victory Fund on May 19. This is a pricey affair: Hosts have to shell out $100,000. Tickets are available for $50,000, $41,100, $15,600, $5,600 and a “limited” number for $2,800. PDF invite Here

h/t People’s Cube

37 Comments on Politico Asks: “How Much Would You Pay For A Virtual Dinner With Hillary Clinton?”

  1. Pay a $100K to listen to some hag cough & hack? Pfft, I can see that at any dollar store. Do people actually think a Clinton would grant them favor for a paltry 100K?

  2. The only thing I’d pay any amount of money for involving that evil creature would be to see her public execution for treason. Preferably on a good old fashioned gallows in a public park.

    Oh! Wait!! Is that insensitive??

  3. Thinly disguised fundraiser for the Lizard Queen herself, everyone knows she a whore for money. Pay to play is her only strategy. 100k is just her opening bid. 100k means some staffer is tasked to remember your name when she goes to solicit you later for the big bucks.

    Money for Biden yeah. When she is named as his VP she gets to keep all donations when he shuffles away.

  4. …I’ll let Legolas take this one…

    “And I would give gold to be excused,” said Legolas; “and double to be let out, if I strayed in!”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Two Towers”

  5. Can you believe how fucking stupid Politico is, considering there is going to be an AWAKENING, a RECKONING coming down on the back of their necks…and Hers too.

    POTUS, Flynn and Rogers are NOT GOING TO LET THIS GO, believe me! THAT is some DAM good company for the POTUS to be in…

  6. CC
    MAY 10, 2020 AT 1:31 PM
    “How much for a written, signed confession?”

    …why? Even if you got one, it’s not like Barr or any Republican would actually DO anything with it, and Democrats would just use it as an excuse to impeach Trump…

  7. How long after our magnificent president DJT, the man of the people President, wins re-elction in a landslide will this cloven creature kill herself? The evil one is calling due the note on her soul and he can almost smell her foul breathe

  8. If I knew I was going to be able to see that old commie skank choke to death on a chicken bone…it would be money well spent no matter the price!


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