POLITICO: Obama Admin Bureaucrats ‘Panicked’ by Breitbart Spotlight: Don’t Question Our Loyalty! – IOTW Report

POLITICO: Obama Admin Bureaucrats ‘Panicked’ by Breitbart Spotlight: Don’t Question Our Loyalty!


It sounds like the Deep State is getting nervous. Politico’s Nahal Toosi and Andrew Restuccia report that some federal bureaucrats are “panicked” by articles in Breitbart News and other conservative sites shining a light on Obama administration holdovers.

From Politico:

Conservative news outlets, including one with links to a top White House official, are singling out individual career government employees for criticism, suggesting in articles that certain staffers will not be sufficiently loyal to President Donald Trump by virtue of their work under former President Barack Obama.    READ MORE

17 Comments on POLITICO: Obama Admin Bureaucrats ‘Panicked’ by Breitbart Spotlight: Don’t Question Our Loyalty!

  1. They were all breezily assured that it would be over in a few weeks. That they’d be hailed as new age heroes in the aftermath of the takedown. It’s not shaking out like that. And Obama’s in Tahiti.

    I’d be panicked, too.

  2. They were all so complacent, Hillary was gonna rock the Casaba for the rest of the decade.
    Those damn Knights Trumpler came and spoiled all their revelry over the downfall of western man.
    You don’t have to go home, you just don’t have a job here anymore. get over it snowflake.
    Elections have consequences.

  3. Please see the comments at the Politico article
    (in the link TO THE link here).

    You know you’re “over the target” when they
    whip out their limp “Nazi!” remarks in every other comment.

  4. I’ll get flamed for this but, until there are mass firings of deep state operators and legal actions started against both federal employees and elected officials who were involved in illegal activities, this is simply more of us excitedly chanting, “Lock her up!”. And how is that going lately?

    Sorry to be so cynical this morning but over and over and over we have seen high level government officials violate the constitution and our laws and nothing comes of it.

  5. @Cherrybark March 23, 2017 at 7:13 am

    > legal actions started against both federal employees

    To be “adjudicated” by their fellow employees? The ones who already can not be fired, for any reason, according to the rules written by their fellow employees?

    Well bless, oh Lort, just bless your heart!

  6. Quoting from the source article:

    “I, of course, worry about the fact that there are people inside the administration and outside it who may believe what they read in these things, who don’t necessarily appreciate what it means to be a career staffer,” said the employee, who spoke on condition of anonymity for job protection reasons. “Most people don’t understand that that does not come with politics attached.”

    That’s why they need to go. It’s not their religion, their unprovable articles of faith. It’s that they are too stupid to distinguish faith from fact:

    You were hired because of your politics!
    You were promoted exclusively because of your politics!

    If you can not acknowledge that, and accept the effects on your finances, then you can’t even lie effectively. So what use are you?

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