POLITICO: Records Show Andrew Gillum (FL-D) Never Paid for Costa Rica Lodging On Trip With Lobbyist – IOTW Report

POLITICO: Records Show Andrew Gillum (FL-D) Never Paid for Costa Rica Lodging On Trip With Lobbyist

Tallahassee Reports:

During the CNN Florida gubernatorial debate, Ron DeSantis asked Andrew Gillum whether he paid for the lodging associated with a Costa Rica trip that included lobbyist Adam Corey.

Previously, Gillum said that he and his wife paid cash for the May 2016 Costa Rica accommodations.

However, POLITICO is reporting that newly released information from Adam Corey’s lawyer indicates Gillum did not pay for the accommodations.  more here

7 Comments on POLITICO: Records Show Andrew Gillum (FL-D) Never Paid for Costa Rica Lodging On Trip With Lobbyist

  1. Sadly it doesn’t matter to Dems. On our town’s political FB site someone posted an article on how a dem running has been in trouble multiple times with large federal tax liens, not paying unemployment taxes etc. and a liberal wrote WHO CARES. Well I guess you shouldn’t care about Trump’s tax returns either with that logic (although they do). Because this double standard of anything goes for a liberal democrat is ridiculous and just shows how ideological and immoral these democrats are.


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