Politicon Crowd Boos Tomi Lahren For Admitting She is On Parent’s Healthcare Plan – IOTW Report

Politicon Crowd Boos Tomi Lahren For Admitting She is On Parent’s Healthcare Plan

No hypocrisy here. You play the cards you are dealt.

I have no problem with people exploiting the laws as they are written, even while fighting against them, as long as you ARE ACTUALLY FIGHTING AGAINST THEM.

(She’s wrong on abortion, however.)

The Hill-

Conservative pundit Tomi Lahren admitted that she still benefits from a key feature of ObamaCare during a debate in which she blasted the healthcare plan.

Lahren said during a debate at Politicon Saturday with liberal comedian Chelsea Handler that she is on on her parents’ healthcare insurance. The ability to stay on your parents’ plan until 26 is a major aspect of the healthcare legislation.

“Luckily, I am 24, so I am still on my parents’ plan,” Lahren said during the debate, drawing boos from the crowd, according to The Daily Beast.

Handler defended Lahren for the comment.

“Stop, she is being honest,” Handler said, Variety reported.

Lahren still slammed ObamaCare as being in a “death spiral.” Extending insurance to older dependents is not typically targeted by conservatives who criticize ObamaCare for other factors such as the individual mandate to buy insurance.

11 Comments on Politicon Crowd Boos Tomi Lahren For Admitting She is On Parent’s Healthcare Plan

  1. I am also 24 and still on my parents plan, but if I take into account all of the health issues I’ve had up til this point [and the fact that I still need to get myself a regular doctor so that I can be prescribed the medicine I honestly believe will help me recover], I can only be grateful. I was born during this time period for a reason, and if the health care plan right now is benefiting me [as terrible as it is], then I see no shame in it.

  2. I agree – no hypocrisy on her part for her healthcare stance at all. If it weren’t for Obamacare, she (and other people) might be able to find a truly affordable plan that would suit her needs fine (say a plan that only covers serious, high-cost medical problems that has a relatively high deductible with lower premiums).

    For all intents and purposes, under obamacare most younger people (actually, most people, period) have no chance to be able to afford the extremely overpriced “insurance” that is mandated (not “offered”). I’ve read hundreds of anecdotal storied about people paying $12k to 20k (and more) in premiums annually with a deductible of $5k to $15k.

    Paying $17 to $30+ thousand a year “out of pocket” before the “insurance” pays anything is not insurance at all under any sane definition – it is legalized theft intended to induce poverty and bankruptcy on the middle class, enforced by penalty of law. Obama’s attempt to force communism down the throats of an unwilling public that now even the GOPe traitors support.

  3. Oh come on, the progs say, “this is the new law!” Then they say if you abide by their new law you are a hypocrite? Or fascist? These people are just freakin’ nuts.

  4. A lot of Military dependents in college on the mainland are on their parents Triscare Prime just for the same reason.
    The klintons phucked up the military healthcare when killary care got
    booed out. Gosh god damn I hate them.

  5. Agreed, nothing wrong with observing the law as written, even if you oppose it and want it changed. If you think the speed limit on some road should be reduced from 50 to 40, you don’t want to cause an accident driving st 40 in the meantime. If a tax deduction you oppose is still in place, sure you can use it yourself until it’s eliminated.

  6. Does that cover the cost of peroxide?
    My chillens were off my plan at 18 or 19 – because they were on their own.
    I left my parents’ plan at 17, cuz I was on my own.

    This whole debate is as phony as the bullshit about the $15 minimum wage.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. My kids will not be on our health insurance until they are 26. I will not allow it. By that point in their lives, they need to be gainfully employed and paying their own way. If they end up having to buy some stupid Obamacare plan they can’t actually afford or use, the pain will get them to the polls to vote for politicians who support free-market solutions. See how that works?

    Side note: we pay almost $1,400 per month in premiums and have a $25,000 deductible, which basically means my husband and I pay $16,800 per year in premiums for the privilege of paying 100% of our healthcare costs directly out of our pocket. But at least if my husband gets knocked up, he has maternity care. My but the inmates are running the asylum when it comes to health insurance.

  8. This little muffin-ette is 24?

    Why would anyone, besides Mommy and her Pinterest BFF’s, devote time to the thoughts of someone who’s still learning the mailing instructions for her college loan payments?

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