Politifact: Did Ted Cruz Lie About Donald Trump’s Sister? – IOTW Report

Politifact: Did Ted Cruz Lie About Donald Trump’s Sister?

We’ve all heard it before, in fact, we hear people in our own comments say that Donald Trump has a “liberal” sister who is pro-abortion judge.

Is any of it true?


Trump, however, “does not care about conservative justices on the court,” Cruz said of his opponent, in a Feb. 14 interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC’sThis Week.

“You know, the one person he has suggested that would make a good justice is his sister, who is a court of appeals judge appointed by Bill Clinton,” Cruz said. “She is a hardcore pro-abortion liberal judge. And he said she would make a terrific justice.”

Politifact checked out Cruz’s claims and it turns out

none of them are true.


57 Comments on Politifact: Did Ted Cruz Lie About Donald Trump’s Sister?

  1. I won’t say that they are wrong at this point, but “Politifact” has a very rich history of lying about whatever they are supposedly rating as being true or false. I haven’t checked it out yet, but I don’t trust Politifact as far as I could throw a Cat D-9 bulldozer with Chris Christie strapped to it.

  2. Of course boom(magnum) doesn’t care to read about the “poll” that showed Cruz ahead. It was a national sampling of 400! people. They refused to release the wording in their questions or the methodology used.

    But most important? C’mon, Trump is crushing Cruz EVERYWHERE. And this “poll” comes out of the WSJ and has Cruz ahead? HAHAHAHA

    It’s purpose is to give the media a narrative they can run with. A left dominated media I might add that hates conservatives and the more infighting they can create, the better.

    Suckers like magnum here are like a drowning man grasping for anything. Keep on plucking that chicken bub.

    The rest of us sane people, most Cruz supporters included, might want to step back and note just exactly the kind of person Cruz seems to be attracting in big lots.

    magnum is the perfect example of an unhinged, damn the torpedoes supporter. First he makes himself an utter ass here with dozens of inflammatory posts, some really very nasty, Then he disappears and comes back with another handle doing the exact same thing. If that’s not a sign of derangement…

    OTOH I’ve seen Czar and AA like myself question some of the particulars of Trump’s policies. It’s what most normal thinking people do. We still back the guy but we’re not Cruzbots thinking he’s perfect.

  3. What exactly does “pro-abortion” mean? It’s far from the top issue for me, but it seems to me like it is very clearly a 10th amendment issue to be handled by the state and by the people, not the federal government.

    As for Cruz v Trump, it’s pretty simple in my opinion, Cruz can’t win the national, he has zero chance, while the national is Trump’s to loose.

    If he ONLY secures the border and stems the invasion of third worlders and muslimes I’ll be happy.

  4. “If he ONLY secures the border and stems the invasion of third worlders and muslimes I’ll be happy.”

    These issues wouldn’t even be on the agenda if not for Trump.

  5. Cruz is lying, again.

    What does pro-abortion mean? To a liberal it means nothing, because no one ‘wants’ abortion, its just a painful heartbreaking reprodcutive choice that should be tax payer funded be the billions because a lump of cells produced – due to an enormous lack of federal funded contraception, could wreck your party plans.

  6. Just curious, but did any of the folks who believe Cruz is lying because of the Politifact story bother to follow any of their links to where they supposedly got their supporting information?

    Methinks you didn’t and just took a story that fits your narrative and ran with it.

    If you had you would have found that their case for suggesting that Judge Trump Barry is not liberal on abortion is based solely on the fact that Alito was on the same side in a partial birth abortion case. That’s it. It seems if you go read Alito’s comments on the case and you read the opinion written by Barry you discover that Alito was on that side merely because he was respecting the precedent set by SCOTUS in an identical case they had already ruled on. Barry on the other hand wrote very long about the need for free and easy access to abortion and to not restricting the right of a woman to terminate the pregnancy at anytime. Funny how while they may have been on the same side, it was for very different reasons.

    So it seems their case for declaring Cruz’s comments untrue is itself untrue. But hey, this fits the narrative being put forth by the media and others who support Trump, so why not just leave it alone and run with it……

  7. Woody, I didn’t read the link, I didn’t feel the need to. The topic is the Cruz lie about Judge Barry being appointed by Trump.

    Trump had repeatedly, since last fall, said she was 1) not interested 2)would be a confilict of interest 3) Said she is great (shes his sister after all) 4) Praised Judge Thomas and 5) already named 2 others possible candidated.

  8. “… an undue burden on a woman’s right to obtain an abortion …”

    This “right” was created by the SCROTUS out of the “penumbras” and shadows of the Constitution, not by God (as are our “unalienable” rights) or a “right” as affirmed by our Constitution in the Bill of Rights.

    I know this is something of a diversion from the talking point, but it is foundational to the understanding of how far we have deviated from “Constitutionalism” to “Praetorism.”

  9. When Trump says:

    “I was just kidding when I said my sister would be a great Supreme Court Justice”

    he is admitting that he said it in the first place.

    And now he wants to sue Cruz for not knowing he was just kidding?

    What’s next?

    “I was just kidding when I said I’d bomb the shit out them”

  10. “the fact that Barry wrote the majority opinion in a 2000 panel ruling that found a New Jersey law banning partial-birth abortions to be unconstitutional.”

    There’s nothing more hardcore than taking a position so extreme, only China and North Korea are in your corner.

  11. Trump: Liberal for the last 50 years of his life. I’m going through those old videos of the Serengeti plains looking for evidence of zebras changing their stripes. Damn not even when chased by predators do they do this.
    Okay, human being s can change their hearts, granted but Trump had filed four chapter 11’s for his companies with the same result for all four. Thousands left holding the empty bag of promises Trump made to them but at least Trump got richer for it.

  12. T Good grief folks, isn’t having a lying pos on one side enough. If Donald wins the nomination, we’ll have a good choice of two absolute infantile, lying scumbags for POTUS. I ask those of you that prefer Trump, would you loan Trump money for a project? Would you want to be one of his subcontractors?

  13. Aggie,

    Really, Cruz stating that Judge Trump Barry is the kind of Judge that Trump would nominate and at one time Trump said he would nominate her is somehow a lie Funny since there is video and transcript of exactly those words from Trumps own mouth.

    As for Reagan originally nominating Judge Trump Barry to the bench, it was her initial appointment when a President usually just goes with whoever is put forward by State’s Senators or Representatives as a candidate. Funny you failed to mention that she was promoted to her current position by Clinton, which would seem to simply re-enforce her left-wing credentials since Clinton isn’t exactly Conservative or even moderate.

    Funny how you are willing to accept whatever a left-wing site would say about Cruz. I wonder if you would be willing to do the same if it were about Trump.

    Emotion Trumps Intellect !!

  14. >>Barry on the other hand wrote very long about the need for free and easy access to abortion and to not restricting the right of a woman to terminate the pregnancy at anytime.>>>

    No. I read the pdf. Her decision was rendered in the exact same way Alito’s was – it was based on precedent and the interpretation that the plaintiff’s claim that partial birth abortion was infanticide.

    Alito could have dissented.
    He didn’t.
    So where are their positions differing?

  15. Politifact? Really?


    This sounds exactly like a progressive sounds when you present them a link from Fox news.
    Doesn’t it infuriate you when they do that?

    All the Politifact links do is provide readers with Trump’s statement that he was being flippant and supportive of his sister, and they provide links to where he’s said he wouldn’t appoint his sister, and they provide links to where he’s said who he would appoint.

    So, why can’t one use this as a source? Because Politifact?

    It also provides a link to the Alito court on NJ partial birth abortion ban where Barry wrote an opinion, one that doesn’t do what Woody suggests, that Alito was the constitutionalist while Barry was the ghoul who wants babies dead.

    Politifact’s link to that pdf was too *head desky* ??

    The fact that a reader would find out that Cruz omitted that Barry was a Reagan appointee, not just a Clinton appointee is too head desky?

  16. Trump playing dirty and loose with facts, disparaging people’s character, and calling names.
    Cruz playing a little loose with facts that may or many not be false on this issue.

    This issue and conclusion that Cruz is talking about has been reported countless times in 2015 at many news sites, blogs, and conservative sites. So Cruz wouldn’t be the only one at fault if it comes out that Barry is actually pro-life.

  17. Pilitifact is fact checking this:

    “Cruz wrongly says Trump’s only Supreme Court pick is his sister, a ‘hardcore pro-abortion liberal’

    That is what they are fact checking.

    When did Cruz say that she was the Donald’s only SCOTUS pick? I missed it?

    Now, if you wanna debate whether or not Barry is a hardcore pro abortion liberal or not, that’s a whole different story.

  18. BTW Cruz didn’t say Donald would pick his sister. He said Donald has suggested that his sister would make an excellent SC justice.

    This is not a lie, Trump did say this. Cruz is merely suggesting the type of SC Justice he may select. I don’t mind what Cruz did there because I’ve thought this since Trump made that comment. It’s concerned me.

    Now whether she is pro-abortion, that I guess is up for debate and it seems it could be possible with her judgement on the issue but I would need to read the separate decision.

  19. Woody,

    I already said I didn’t read the link, and yes Cruz lies about the “type” of judge Trump will nominate. Sorry 😉

    I failed to mention Clinton?? That is just silly. Why would I?, Cruz already did.

    Emotion Trumps intellect….cute, you’re projecting.

  20. BFH,

    Sorry, but I read her opinion as well and saw this portion on page 26;

    CONCUR: ALITO, Circuit Judge, concurring in the

    I do not join Judge Barry’s opinion, which was never
    necessary and is now obsolete. That opinion fails to discuss
    the one authority that dictates the result in this appeal,
    namely, the Supreme Court’s decision in Stenberg v. Carhart, 530 U.S. 914, 2000 U.S. LEXIS 4484, 120
    S. Ct. 2597, 147 L. Ed. 2d 743, 2000 WL 825889 (U.S.
    {end quote}

    So does this not say that he does NOT join Judge Trump Barry’s opinion? Pretty clear English, but hey maybe words means something different when dealing with Trump.

    Also you did read her opinion didn’t you? Where she makes many claims about how access to partial birth abortion is important to women and how this new law imposes on women.

    Sorry BFH, but it seems that while Alito can be linked to the same case and opinion, he states clearly that he does not join the opinion and instead he states clearly that his issue has to do with Supreme Court precedent.

  21. BFH,

    And the previous post showing the truth in Judge Alito’s actual concurrence is why I take issue with using Politifact. It seems when they can perform a twist of the facts and establish support for their narrative, anyone’s statement can either be proven true or false and they do so based on their intended result.

    Head meet desk back at ya —>>>

    I prefer to research and do my own fact checking rather than rely on sites that have been shown to create falsehoods themselves.

    Your choice as to what you prefer, but watch out for that desk….. 😉

  22. Aggie,

    Before saying Cruz “lied” about the “type” of Judge Trump would nominate, read the opinion written by a Judge that Trump has already put forward before as a model of what he thinks is a “phenomenal judge”.

    You may have a difference of opinion with Cruz, but it doesn’t make it a lie no matter how hard you try to scream it.

    Emotion Trump Intellect, not projection just observation…..

    Hint: Anger is a sorry way to pick your candidate….

  23. Politifact ??? Jheesh . . .
    I like the Gas Station Sushi one tho . . 🙂

    “I think she would be phenomenal,” Trump said. “I think she would be one of the best,” . . . . Did he or did he not ??

    Barry wrote the majority opinion in a 2000 panel ruling that found a New Jersey law banning partial-birth abortions to be unconstitutional. . . . . Did she or did she not ??

    We rate Cruz’s claim Mostly False. . . . ??? L.O.L.

  24. Woody,

    Now you want to bring up other picks to justify that Cruz dishonestly claimed Barry, hard core pro-abortion, is the “type”?

    I’m not angry, emotional or screaming. I’m also not being dismissive or patronizing 😉

    Question for you. Do you stand by Cruz carpet boming statement?

  25. Cruz’s charge about Trump’s sister is probably correct, however Trump is not going to nominate her for SCOTUS. I have a couple of left wing sisters too, whom I love, but would never want to see in a position of authority.

  26. Aggie,

    Your sentence seemed a little disjointed there. Not sure what you are claiming I did. I brought up no other picks at present and merely continued to address the falsehood that Cruz lied about the “type” of Judge that Judge Trump Barry is based on her written opinion. I showed that in her opinion, while Alito concurs in the judgment, he does NOT agree with her opinion and states as such.

    So again Cruz did not lie about the “type” of Judge she is and you are simply continuing to reference such falsehood as if it is true. To ignore facts and continue to parrot to lie seems emotionally based.

    Funny, though, is how now Trump is supposedly going to use a Gun Rights case as a litmus test for any future nominees. Why not a right to life case or anything having to do with abortion to put to rest this whole messy episode?

  27. Woody,

    You did confuse me. By stating I should read up on what a judge Trump has already put forward as proof of his intentions. His sister not being one.

    Cruz also said Trump would kill the second amendment. So what mess should he clear up? Maybe he can just rely on the truth knowing that Cruz supporters really dont seem to care.

    Trump is flawed, no doubt about it. I had very high hopes for Cruz and will vote for him if he wins the nomination, even though he is dishonest. 🙂

  28. Aggie,

    Trump put forth his own sister Judge Trump Barry as an example of what makes a “phenomenal” judge suitable for SCOTUS. This post is about a left-wing site that supposedly proved that Cruz told a lie when he said that this person Trump put forth was a left-wing abortion supporting Judge.

    It would only seem reasonable to read about this proposed Judge to determine for yourself if that site and Trump are telling the truth when they declare that Cruz is lying. As such I suggested such action to you.

    In reading about her and reading her opinions it became very clear she is exactly what Cruz described. Then you and others claimed that because Alito sided with her opinion this meant she must be more moderate or even conservative. That is why I then posted the fact that while Alito sided with the judgment he did NOT side with her opinion and stated so quite clearly. Then it was that due to Reagan appointing her to her first position she must not be left-wing, but it seems glossed over that it was Clinton who moved her up to her current position that is far more important

    At each stage of this argument it has been proven that Cruz did not lie and that the fact back him up, yet you and others still claim he must be lying.

    To ignore these facts seems to prove that emotion and anger are driving the support of Trump. It almost appears like a blind rage that seeks to be satisfied regardless of the consequences and no matter what just to show the establishment how mad Trump supporters are at them.

    Anger is a poor way to pick a candidate, but you can’t argue or debate emotion because that is singular to the individual.

    In a real world, rational debate, Trump supporters would at least have to admit that he has held exactly opposite positions until the last few years. That he makes very general and ambiguous statements. That he often states complete falsehoods like his infamous “There is nobody better at {insert some skill here} than me”. That based on his past he makes backroom deals that are usually not in the best interest of his partners. That he only does what benefits Trump and if it happens to benefit anyone else then great. Usually it costs those that are benefited.

    But hey, keep spreading the lie that Cruz lied. This seems to be all that Trump has to use.

  29. Woody, are you even reading what I post? I didnt read the link, so you can stop making that arguement. Trump never put his sister forth as a candidate, he simply spoke well of her. I never even defender her record, its a non issue in my opinion.

    Cruz named Clinton as who appointed her. Why withold the full truth that she is a Republican appointed by Reagan? I know, I know. You have an answer for everything. I see it as pandering, plain and simple.

    Much the same way you keep claiming we’re emotional, angry,
    blind to your facts, irrational, lying etc…..saying it doesnt make it so.

  30. Aggie,

    One question; Did or did not Clinton appoint Judge Trump Barry to the Appellate Court?

    As for withholding anything, her most recent promotion was to the Appellate Court, which is decidedly more important and having far greater power than a being a singular District Court Judge. As such I guess you expect Cruz to name each and every position and how she got it based on your demand. And if he doesn’t than there you have it, a lie.

    Just curious, but do you expect the same detail and specifics from Trump and if he fails to give them does this mean he is lying?

    I bet I know your answer…… 😉

    Emotion Trumps Intellect…..

  31. Hey Folks, we can argue about the minutia and about the holiest and or the most important of issues, but the fact remains that Cruz cannot win and influence to any substantial degree, the dregs in Congress nor the dregs making law from the courts.

    The Supreme Court killed the Constitution of the United States over 40 years ago (while killing millions of pre-born babies). The Supreme Court buried the Constitution of the United States with the absolute aid of the CONSERVATIVE Chief “justice.”

    Don’t give me the bullsh*t that we need conservatives. Why – so they can loose the general election.

    Get your heads screwed on and support the nationalist candidate who can win and can blow and is blowing holes in the elitist’s stranglehold over us and our country.

    If ONE candidate cannot get 1/2 plus 1 of the delegates during the primaries, the convention will pick JEBBIE or RUBIO.

    Won’t that be such a glorious victory for your conservatism, which will then become, in the general election, turn into a victory for the left, because who will vote for either of them.

  32. It is rich to hear Trump fanboys get mad about Cruz quoting Trump and say he is lying.

    He didn’t say anything false.
    Half truths? You are mad about half truths from Cruz because he didn’t also include Reagan as one that appointed Barry to a court along with Clinton appointing her to the appellate court?

    But comparing Carson’s childhood temper to a child molester and saying he can’t be cured from that and he is unfit for office. He compared a man with extreme character that is a neurosurgeon to a child molester in his mental state and mental disease.

    Trump calls Cruz unfit, unstable, mentally unstable……
    This doesn’t bother you guys at all?
    You are the ones that are delusional. You get on us for standing up for Cruz for things that pale in comparison to what Trump has done on the campaign field, personal life, business practices, and past views.

    Yet Trump fanboys just brush it all under the rug.

  33. Yeah, Molon, like he never shook the Obamster’s hand and a picture does not exist.


    Oh and Rubio never had anything to do with pushing for the TPP deal.

    “Millions of the best jobs in this new century will depend on international trade. It is more important than ever that Congress give the president trade promotion authority so that he can finalize the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. These agreements will (inaudible) in South America and in Europe.”

    Source: Marco Rubio himself
    Link: http://www.cfr.org/united-states/marco-rubios-foreign-policy-vision/p36511

    Still waiting for the lie here…… 😉
    (Sorry but a photo-shopped picture, while bad taste, does not mean the facts behind the intended picture are not true.)

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