Politifact FACTCHECKS Something They Couldn’t Possibly Know – IOTW Report

Politifact FACTCHECKS Something They Couldn’t Possibly Know


Several lab monkeys escaped and were later recovered after a truck crashed on a Pennsylvania highway on Jan. 21.

They were en route to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-sanctioned quarantine facility in Florida after arriving in New York from the island nation of Mauritius that morning, prompting some speculation that the incident was staged to hide something nefarious. 

“Did the CDC stage the ‘escaping monkeys’ as a cover story for releasing the next bioweapon?” one blog post asked. 

There’s no evidence to support the claim that the CDC staged a crash involving lab monkeys as cover to release a bioweapon. A woman who was reported ill after encountering the animals was exposed to COVID, and told a local reporter that she wasn’t sick from the crash. 


Yes, Politifact, there is no evidence for what you are factchecking. But no one stated anything as a politiFACT.

You’re factchecking a question. And you do not know, for a FACT, the answer to that question. It could very well be an orchestration by the CDC. Couldn’t it?

Are we at that point now, where bloggers are being told to shut up and sit down when they theorize?

Why is it you do not clamp down on leftwing theories, like, hmm, Trump was peed on in a hotel by honeypots and compromised by the Russians?

What evidence was there for that?

The other thing that you do, which is pretty infuriating, you constantly set up strawmen to cover for your comrades.

Take for instance Hunter Biden. It is a FACT that the “laptop from hell” is Hunter’s. It is a FACT that he had disturbing and disgusting decadent pictures of himself with an underaged girl dressed provocatively. We saw them.

Yet, you “fact check” a claim that I have never even heard before.

“Hunter Biden had 25,000 pics of him torturing and raping children under age 10 in China on his laptop.”

You cover a ludicrous claim, giving the appearance that you’ve completely fact-checked all claims of Hunter with underaged girls. It’s slimy. I have to believe that you’re the ones floating these ludicrous claims, only to swat them down. How else would you find these stories that no one has ever heard before?

I notice that you never do the same for your political opponents.

I never saw Politifact fact checking, for instance,

Trump said he’s so rich he can grab women by the pussy and he has dead bodies in his crawlspace. We rate this as FALSE!

This is what you do, Politifact. I don’t see the right doing this. The left is scum. which is why, among hundreds of other reasons, I side with the right.

12 Comments on Politifact FACTCHECKS Something They Couldn’t Possibly Know

  1. Almost all of their “fact checking” is similar to this.
    Make up something and then “fact check” it.
    Then use that same “fact check” to hit anyone sharing any article even remotely related to what you supposedly “fact checked” in your article.

  2. Still more evidence that the virus, from the get-go, was created, imported, and released by the Democrats. First wave came in through all the airports, track the spread. They’ve had to be more creative to spread the latest variants, as the airlines require testing.

  3. Anon,
    Yep. Aliens are out there. Right across our southern border. And more coming north every day. Illegally.

  4. “This is what you do, Politifact. I don’t see the right doing this. The left is scum. which is why, among hundreds of other reasons, I side with the right.”

    The best comments have great summaries in the last paragraph.

    I, too, see the scum for who they are and am insulted when they offer weak lies to cover their atrocities.


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