Politifact Obsessed With Whether Mike Pence Calls His Wife Mother or Not – IOTW Report

Politifact Obsessed With Whether Mike Pence Calls His Wife Mother or Not

So what if he does?

Downtrend explains it perfectly-

This is not that big of a deal even if it is true. My grandparents referred to each other as “Mother” and “Father.” Lots of married couples do this, especially after they start having children. They start calling each other “mommy” and “daddy” around the kids and it sticks long after the kids grow up and move out. The same is true for couples with pets.

This is actually a very nice and loving way spouses show respect for one another, which would explain why the liberals at PolitiFact are so furious about it. In addition to pushing an anti-Trump agenda, they also want to paint traditional marriage as something abnormal and creepy. I can assure you that whatever gay and trans couples call each other is way way more disturbing.

22 Comments on Politifact Obsessed With Whether Mike Pence Calls His Wife Mother or Not

  1. My grandmother did not do it, but my grandfather called my grandmother “mother” as a tribute to his love — which was great and that she was the mother of his children. (Every year, on Mother’s Day, he would draw and write a testament of his love on an 8×10 water color paper, paint flowers around the border and write about his love. I have four of them matted and framed together…. They are beautiful. A chemist by day he was quite an artist by night..) …..Lady in Red

  2. My parents did this whenever we kids were present. I think it is because rather than address each other individually they saw us as a family unit and were merely addressing each other according to their position in that structure while reinforcing the bonds.

  3. The leftists just want to normalize their deviant sexual proclivities so attack those that share traditional male/female relationships.
    I don’t know anything about who’s smearing Pence, but you probably don’t want him to blow his breath in your face.

  4. Didn’t President Ronald Reagan call his wife, Nancy, “Mommy” innumerable times in public? What’s the point of this of this Leftist dribble? What did Barky call Mooch behind her big behind?

  5. Article written by single people who have no clue about raising children and who were likely raised by single moms who had no husband to call “daddy”. As in “You just wait until daddy gets home.”

  6. As opposed to calling one’s spouse “bitch” or, conversely, “niggah?”

    “Call me anything you like; just don’t call me late for dinner.”

    I guess when ya got nuthin, ya grab at anything.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. My dad calls my mom, “Mom” when kids and the dogs are around.
    The Left should worry about finding out who their REAL daddies are before they come trash-talking the Right.

    Note to Lefties, the gubmint is not your real daddy.


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