Politifake – IOTW Report


Obamacare DIDN’T lead to fewer insurance options?

Are they nuts?

People that rely on Politifact for fact checking are lefties in search of validation… and they’ll find it at that horsesh*t organization.

This isn’t even an arguable point. Insurance companies are dropping like flies all over the country.

7 Comments on Politifake

  1. This morning local racist lefty walks over to say Trump is forcing all these Insurance companies to leave the states and blaming Obama for it. Like it just happened this year.

    I said the insurance companies were dropping out well before Trump became President and the retort was, “Thas not true yous just saying that cause you didna like Obama”. I said “Okay” and dropped it right there because that was just going to be an exercise in futility

    I also did not misspell the words in the quote to me in the next to last sentence. I typed them as they sounded.

  2. It’s a comfort to know these stooges still aren’t catching on. Keep distorting the news until even the dimmest among you begin to realize you’re being played. It’s working out real well for us.

  3. Politifact, because Snopes isn’t staffed to handle this level of Fake Verification traffic.

    The Left will always be creating these Ministry Of Truth fake echo chambers.
    Their people crave constant reinforcement.
    It’s why Rachel Maddow’s ratings are up.
    The children are huddling seeking comfort and a safe space.

  4. Thank God Obamacare wasn’t in place when I started my business. I SCRAPED by my first year and wouldn’t have been able to survive had I been forced to buy or pay a penalty. By design, they want us dependent.

  5. The people who can’t figure out the truth are the ones who were supplied ‘health insurance’ by the Feds already. And most of them shouldn’t have been on it.
    Including illegal aliens.

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