Poll: 28% of Democrats believe Biden will be replaced as party’s nominee – IOTW Report

Poll: 28% of Democrats believe Biden will be replaced as party’s nominee

35% of voters overall believe that Biden will not ultimately be the Democratic presidential nominee.

20 Comments on Poll: 28% of Democrats believe Biden will be replaced as party’s nominee

  1. I’ve been saying this for months. I still believe they’ll offer it to Cuomo. The media coverage he’s been getting is even more kiss-ass than usual. I think they’re waiting to float this option until the convention confirms him so that he can hang on to the Gov job if he’s not chosen.

  2. At this point it really doesn’t matter anymore. There is not one single Democrat ready to play the role with any credibility. Not that credibility matters with Democrats but either side needs independent voters and they tend to be more selective than a Democrat.

  3. Just a couple days ago there was similar speculation floated here about a Biden replacement — again — and I posited that the Democrat Party was too arrogant to think they needed to do that, or words to that effect. I was so sure of what I was saying, but the “why” was missing.

    I’ve always used this little trick of snapping my fingers to myself to nudge things out of my memory (it comes in handy when I find myself in a room but can’t remember the reason I went there), but I still couldn’t recall why I am so sure Biden will be Democrat’s nominee.

    Then tonight I read the most delicious piece titled: “Gird Your Loins, Democratic Party” by Brian Cates, political columnist for The Epoch Times and UncoverDC. I don’t want to give away all the details because it’s a swell read. Here are a couple of teasers:

    “He spent 40 years getting away with this stuff and like the power-drunk elite he is, he fully expected to keep on getting away with this stuff once Hillary Clinton became President.


    “Let me remind you of something, OK? You can go back and check after I tell you, and you will see I’m right. Two things happened on the very same day back in April of 2019. Involving the Biden family. Two things that are **obviously** connected.

    April 25, 2019: Joe Biden suddenly ANNOUNCES he is running for President.

    April 25, 2019: Hunter Biden suddenly RESIGNS from the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, a position he had held since 2014.”

    “There are billions – that’s billions with a “B” – of US taxpayer dollars that were funneled to the corrupt Ukraine regimes of Viktor Yanukovich and Petro Poroshenko while Barack Obama was President & Joe Biden was the point man that are MISSING.”



  4. I believe Joe has been putting on the whole dementiia / constantly forgetting where he is and what he is saying mid sentence. I believe that the only thing he wants more than the presidency is to not be breaking rocks in levenworth.

  5. You have to finish the primary coronation so that it’s too late for anyone to fight back.

    The rapists want you to lay back and enjoy it.

    Look at who is being quiet now. Whoever it is, they want to be as unnoticed as possible leading up to it so they can he a clean slate Obama with no recent track record of controversy. Anything else will be deemed “old news” and settled long ago.

    It’s not Bernie Sanders and he will not be a part despite coming closest to Biden in delegates so there’s mud in your eye if you’re a leftist.

  6. Joey kind of epitomizes the Demonrat Party.


    izlamo delenda est …

  7. joe will be the presumptive nominee until the convention to keep burnie in the closet

    i still bet that hillary will be drafted to take on DJT
    after all she won he popular vote last time….sarc

    they have non one else

    hillary needs to win to bury the coming prosecutions of the
    bureaucrats and barock and herself

    the vote by mail fraud scheme is important to their winning

  8. If Omohammed was the Manchurian Candidate, then Dementia Joe Obiden Bama must be the Mausoleum Candidate. He’s been in the crypt so long he can’t answer anything that isn’t on his teleprompter. I can’t wait for his first appearance in front of people asking questions about all those things that he’s been taught to say never happened. The Full Catastrophe Convention is coming soon. It’s only 95 days until the country gets to see that Dementiacrat Party’s Candidate hasn’t got a mind of his own. Wahoo!

  9. Its become quite amusing when lefthacks call me a raycis nazi bleach drinking trumptard far right wing conspiracy theorist faux news watching nutjob. I always think to myself, huh, so what you’re saying is the alternative is better? LOL. Okay, you treasonous pedo loving woman groping brian stelter worshiping rachael maddow free tranny surgery for all don’t know which bathroom to use baby killing America hating open border country destroyer rights hating no moral muslim terrorist sympathising economy destroying welfare living science denying flat earther constitution ripping real actual racist no good worthless GOOF. Plus everything Tim said above and more (I got tired of typing).


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