Poll: Big Majorities Say Dem Proposals All Mean Middle Class Tax Hikes – IOTW Report

Poll: Big Majorities Say Dem Proposals All Mean Middle Class Tax Hikes

Epoch Times:

WASHINGTON—Most Americans responding to a new survey made public Aug. 15 say they expect taxes on middle class families, as well as their own personal levies, will be increased to pay for Democratic proposals like Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, and a Universal Basic Income, if they become law.

“More specifically, 74 percent of respondents say middle class taxes are likely to go up as a result of Medicare for All, 61 percent say the same for the Green New Deal and 64 percent believe the same for Universal Basic Income,” the Job Creators Network Foundation (JCNF) said in a statement on the results of its latest Weekly Pulse Survey.

“Similarly, 69 percent, 57 percent and 62 percent, respectively, believe their personal taxes will increase as a result of those policies,” the statement continued.

“Additionally, supporters of Medicare for All often argue that the financial savings on medical expenses induced by the government program will surpass individual monetary losses from tax increases. However, 62 percent of Americans say that’s unlikely to happen,” the statement said.

Elaine Parker, JCNF’s president, said in the statement that “proposed government programs like Medicare for All, the Green New Deal and Universal Basic Income will cost trillions of dollars and that money doesn’t grow on trees. It’s clear a majority of Americans know this to be true; if only current presidential candidates did as well.” more here

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