Poll: Capitalism Is As Popular in America as Socialism Is Unpopular – IOTW Report

Poll: Capitalism Is As Popular in America as Socialism Is Unpopular

Reason – The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll spends a lot of time sussing out American voters’ views on President Donald Trump’s impeachment and the 2020 election. But something else is tucked in there too: new numbers on the national mood when it comes to capitalism and socialism.

Fifty-two percent of those polled said they viewed capitalism positively, while just 19 percent said the same about socialism. In an almost mirror flip, 18 percent had a negative view of capitalism, while 53 percent viewed socialism negatively. read more

8 Comments on Poll: Capitalism Is As Popular in America as Socialism Is Unpopular

  1. Most people don’t understand how en-mired in socialism we are.

    Socialist Security
    Thought (hate) Crimes
    Accrual of “wealth” through gov’t “service” as opposed to earning it
    Skimming off the taxpayers
    Lying as a SOP of political discourse
    Corrupting and killing children
    Denial of rights based on “archetype”
    Criminal justice which is more criminal than just
    Party members above the law
    Ravaging Secret Police
    Secret Courts
    Indoctrinative “education”
    Looming crises everywhere one looks
    Gun control
    Propagandistic media
    Atomization of society
    Destruction of mediating institutions

    just off the top of my head … sure there are more examples …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Anytime NBC is involved, I automatically question the results!
    I tend to believe that this is the Media polishing up and sugar-coating that old turd called Socialism!
    Open wide you Gullible Travelers. Mommie Media has a big Crap Sammich for you!


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