Poll: Do you want us to cover “school shootings” or pretty much not even mention them? – IOTW Report

Poll: Do you want us to cover “school shootings” or pretty much not even mention them?

I feel as if we are playing into the hands of the left when sites like ours breathlessly report every incident that happens to be at a school.

Today there was an incident. In Maryland a 17 year-old kid shot a 16 year-old girl he knew. A deputy shot the kid dead. Does this need to be sensationalized, ginning up the juices of idiots who think this shooting means your right to defend yourself with a gun shall be taken away?

Are we risking alienation from potential readers, or is this a breath of needed air?


50 Comments on Poll: Do you want us to cover “school shootings” or pretty much not even mention them?

  1. It’s very important, I think, to talk about obama’s failed national program to suppress prior arrests for crimes, or information about mental problems, that existed before the event. In your archives is another story (2015?) about how the same problem in Broward County schools surfaced in Chicago — for the same reason.

  2. I hate the coverage it gets like they do on CNN. Today, after it was revealed the SRO did his job, CNN dropped their coverage. So, if you cover it here, all of them should be covered. AND the correct number of shootings should be stated multiple times.

  3. Give no publicity to the shooter but I don’t think we can ignore the vulnerability of our gun free zones.

    HAMMER it home when a Good Guy with a Gun stops a bad guy with a gun.

  4. When a good guy with a gun kills a bad guy with a gun. I’m ok with that

    Never ever give the name of the bad guy.

    Other than that I’m good with what you’re doing. N

  5. While I’m not that interested in dwelling on the details of the crimes themselves, I am interested in discussing the sociological and regulatory environments in which they are committed, and in the reaction to them by pro- and especially anti-gun rights people in the news and commentary business as well as gun-specific organizations on both sides of the issue of the right to self-defense.

  6. Our gun rights are under assault. In my opinion it’s imperative you cover these in detail. Readers here always expose the bull shit. It helps everyone carry the flag and argue the point.

  7. Give a very brief thumbnail
    with a bit more detail if a
    gun was used to stop the critter.
    When it happens there is so much
    coverage and so many rumors
    that we are drowning in it within minutes. I don’t read iotw to get
    instant breaking news, rather I want
    to see what’s interesting that day, get your take on it and check
    out the comments.

  8. Cover it. Just leave out the killers name and the picture of him.
    Fame is what they want. He is dead, no fame for him.
    Highlight the victims and their families, those are the people that need the most help and prayers.
    We will all see the story on the news: Right?
    Fur you are reporting the news,give it your own angle. Keep it on the front page.

  9. I think its important to cover the facts. This morning, 700wlw was covering on the radio, but they were hearing 3-4 dead, unsure if the shooter offed himself, ect.

    I think that we must counter the msm narrative with cold, hard facts while the msm scrambles for their headline.

  10. Cover the MANY good guys with guns events. These never get enough coverage and deserve more commentary. And it’s positive and energizing for the Right.

    Too often the Right falls into a default model of reflexively repeating and obsessively focusing on every Leftist meme and insane assertion. This surrenders our few precious platforms over to THEIR messages, not ours, and deprives our own messages and advocates of needed oxygen and energy.

    We need to redouble our resolve to use OUR language and OUR memes, not their chosen marketing terminology.
    Examples: they are Leftists, or Marxists, never “Liberals”.
    It’s gun confiscation, never “gun control”.
    It’s pro-infanticide, never “pro choice”.
    It’s Illegal Aliens, never “immigrant”.
    Transvestite, not “transgender”.

    MAGA. And thank God for Big Fur Hat, MJA, and all the kindred spirits here at IOTW.

  11. Name the shooter, his address, phone number, and give GPS coordinates to his house just in case there are more perps there. Seems to me there is a war declared and we aren’t fully involved yet.

  12. “Brad name the shooter, or the guy that took him down”

    Which shooter? They haven’t mentioned this ones name. I can name most of the rest. All registered Democrats. What happened today didn’t keep Dickless Durbin, or Nancy Pelosi calling for more gun control. I don’t see a ton of leftards piling in here accusing the evil black guns of murder.

  13. Blaine Gaskill was the LEO. A trained swat guy. Reports are the shooters parents are letting LEO scan his electronic devices for clues. Mean while the clues hang on his bedroom walls in the form of participation metals. Like I posted earlier, the crime is some SWAT guy that got to put a bullet in some 17 year olds head. WHERE ARE THE PARENTS?

  14. Being politically correct isn’t going to win us any points with the enemies that we have to face. We have to get serious on all fronts, law enforcement and politically. Do you know that in the upcoming congressional elections there are over 40 congressional districts that don’t even have a republican running? The democrat so far is running unopposed. WTF! This is what our GOP leadership wants. In their wildest wet dream they get beat so bad Trump gets impeached and the Senate convicts. Every damn thing that is happening has to be fought to win.

  15. I want to know the name of the shooter. In the Florida school shooting, the name Cruz was important in understanding why he was given a “pass” for multiple crimes, because he was assumed to be hispanic. Other shootings (San Bernardino, Florida nightclub) it was important to know the shooters names to know they were muslims.

  16. After thinking this question over for a while, I’ve changed my mind. I agree with Brad – get all relevant info out in the open and then we tear into it. Mass murders are terrible events but we should learn whatever we can from them.

  17. Brad this one will Not be covered because the good guy with the gun killed the bad guy with the gun.
    You know the drill,keep up the fight for what is right.
    If they covered this what would Hogg have to say?
    It would shut them down and we can’t have that now,can we.

  18. I’d like to hear about schools that teach the the 3 “R’s,” instead of teaching pre-schoolers how to put a condom on a rainbow-colored banana. 🙄

    I’m sure there’s even FEWER such schools, than there are school shootings! 😳 😳 😳

  19. This was not a muslim. This was a stupid 17 year old kid in heat with a gun, where did he get the pistol?
    Are they going to charge his parents for the crime too?

  20. Dave

    I can name 4 to 5 people that know as much or more about weapons here as I do. Be cool to have a separate gun side bar or something. It would be chalked full of GOOD STUFF.

  21. On the day of the Parkland shooting, about four-hundred other people died in the United States for EACH of the Parkland victims. Maybe deaths from insect bites would incur fewer degrees of Kevin Bacon.

  22. Give only verifiable facts, never speculate, and dox the murderer completely, even if he’s a person on the right. Keep the information available, add to it as it becomes available, but move on.

    Did anyone notice after the Florida school shooting that Every.Single.News.Report said “AR-15 assault rifle” a dozen times, whether it was a leftist or someone on the right. Every one of them, even if they didn’t give the shooter’s name. It’s now burned into even the most disinterested public’s psyche so that when another shooting happens, even if there are no rifles used, it’ll be “unlike the Florida shooting where an AR-15 assault rifle was used to murder 17 children and wound 17 more.” This is calculated by the left and the right always falls into the trap. If an AR-15 wasn’t used, don’t ever mention one.

    There WILL be more shootings like this. I’m not a full-blown conspiracy guy but at least some of this is planned and instigated, covertly but real nonetheless. Eventually they’ll get the AR banned, and that’s the camel’s nose under the tent.

    I wonder what’s the best way to package an AR so it can be buried without risk of damage? You know, watertight, airtight, etc. so it doesn’t rust or give off a scent dogs can pick up. Not that I need such a thing, you understand…

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