Poll: Gillespie [R] Takes A Huge Lead In Virginia Gov. Race – IOTW Report

Poll: Gillespie [R] Takes A Huge Lead In Virginia Gov. Race

Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie has a huge lead on Democratic candidate Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam two weeks before the election, according to a new poll.

Poll: Gillespie Takes A Huge Lead In Virginia Gov. Race

14 Comments on Poll: Gillespie [R] Takes A Huge Lead In Virginia Gov. Race

  1. Heh, It’s looking good, but I’m dragging everyone I can to vote. The other thing helping is disdain for Bloomberg’s campaign contributions. The NRA is running a ton of ads, and it’s the first time I’ve seen heavy Republican advertising.

    Warner has to go, too.

  2. Virginia allows only one term as governor so McAuliffe being gone is a given. Replacing him with fellow traveler Northam would be a disaster.

    Go and vote. Actually. Absentee voting begins today.

  3. I hope the poll is accurate. Gillespie has not embraced Trump. There is a Bikers for Trump rally this weekend that he is not attending for example.
    Barky pulled 7000 when he visited, Pence pulled 400.

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