Poll: GOP Candidate Takes Lead in Key Arizona House District Critical to Majority – IOTW Report

Poll: GOP Candidate Takes Lead in Key Arizona House District Critical to Majority

Breitbart: Wendy Rogers, the GOP nominee for Congress in Arizona’s first congressional district, has taken a slight lead over Democratic incumbent Rep. Tom O’Halleran (D-AZ) in a key district that could decide the fate of the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives.

This district is one of just a handful nationwide where Republicans have an opportunity to flip a seat currently represented by a Democrat back into GOP hands. A couple other such seats exist in Minnesota and one more is in Nevada, but there are hardly any pickup opportunities for Republicans when it comes to defending their House majority. For every one of these Republicans flip from Democrat control to GOP control, they raise the so-called “magic number” for Democrats to take the majority. The magic number, currently 24, is the net number of seats Democrats need to flip from GOP control to Democrat control to retake the House majority.

While the new poll released in Arizona’s first district is a poll conducted by the Rogers campaign and one she released on her Twitter account, it is the only poll in this race to come out so far. It shows her with a more than three percent lead–inside the survey’s four percent margin of error. more

SNIP: Check her out at   Wendy Rogers.org

6 Comments on Poll: GOP Candidate Takes Lead in Key Arizona House District Critical to Majority

  1. when the evening of nov 6 rolls around i plan on being at the county gop party headbanging with all the other radicals. It will be a joyous night nationwide IMNSHO. Liberal ass will be beaten.

  2. @Mike Brown is an American Hero, never sadden me more than this. How else can it ever be explained why Democrats always win? Which I must take so much glee in Hillary losing. Now if it can only be brought down to the State level. Tar and feather, nooses, thousands of middle fingers? Or just stop paying/watching Verizon and Comcast? Still left with Free Alphabet TV,,,the paid for voters are left, let us pray

  3. I’m seeing and hearing more and more people, some lifelong democrats that are fed up with democrats. When it comes to national candidates my opinion is changing and I’m starting to think on a national level democrats screwed up big time.
    The funniest I heard about is a millenial who happens to be a white male. He said this concerns him so much that although he volunteered for the Bernie campaign and believes in Bernie and democrats who believe like Bernie he has been given no choice but to vote for the Republican in his district’s US Representative race. Democrats have went off the deep end when they want to believe false stories about boys in high school and college and none of his sex his safe. lol


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