Poll: Near Majority of Republicans View Romney Unfavorably – IOTW Report

Poll: Near Majority of Republicans View Romney Unfavorably

We didn’t need a poll to tell us what we already knew. lol!

Breitbart: A near majority of Republicans do not have a favorable view of freshman Senator Willard “Mitt” Romney (R-UT), according to a PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll released on Thursday.

The poll, conducted January 10-13, found 48% of “Republicans and conservative-leaning” have an “unfavorable” view Romney. Just 29% view Romney favorably while another 23% are “unsure” or “never heard” of him.

Never Trumpers like Bill Kristol have said Romney is now the “leader of the Republican Resistance to” President Donald Trump, and the PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll again shows how unpopular of a label that is among Republicans.  more here

26 Comments on Poll: Near Majority of Republicans View Romney Unfavorably

  1. Because they know he’s a leftist. Stabbing Trump in the back a few weeks ago didn’t make the point, it just reinforced it. But it’ll be arranged that he run somehow anyway — anything to siphon off votes for Trump.

  2. The numbers are a little disappointing, I’d have thought they’d been lower. He just got started so there should be a steady downward trend until even the sleepy voters will have their fill of this phony goody-two-shoes.

  3. Mittens is a Menshevik.
    Tried and true; paid and laid.

    He’ll spend every dime YOU have to prove how compassionate he is!
    Typical hypocritical politician.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Crybaby Carpetbagger cultist is all Mittens is. Begged the President for a Cabinet Post, and then his endorsement, and promptly stabbed him in the back. And I bet he wonders why nobody likes him.

  5. @geoff the aardvark January 19, 2019 at 8:31 am

    > Why should we even pay any attention to a guy who couldn’t beat barry obummer in the 2012 election

    Because, according to Romney’s scripture,

    “In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”

    (translator’s note: (binders of) women / (votes of) women, not (actual) women)

  6. Well of the Republicans that have heard of Mittsy, it’s 48 points unfavorable to 29 points favorable, or 62% unfavorable.
    For the 23% that do not know who Mittsy is, I am stunned at the cluelessness that surrounds us all.

  7. PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll,,,
    Wow, that’s what I always believe in!
    Wasn’t that the name of a rat?,
    Nah it was ‘Ben’
    The more you know ,
    no offense meant, coming not from a democrat.
    A big Michael Jackson hit, Ben.

  8. “The fact it is “near” majority instead of “overwhelming” majority makes me think the GOP truly isn’t worth saving.”

    They had two years – TWO FUCKING YEARS – to rid us of ObolaCare and Build the Wall!
    And what the fuck did they do? Nothing – absolutely nothing.
    Ryan and McConnell should be tried for Treason – along with those other sociopathic misfits and totalitarians who call themselves “Demonrats.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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