Poll: Will Assange Save America, or Will He Be Found With a Pillow Over His Face? – IOTW Report

Poll: Will Assange Save America, or Will He Be Found With a Pillow Over His Face?

Interview with Assange —>

27 Comments on Poll: Will Assange Save America, or Will He Be Found With a Pillow Over His Face?

  1. If I worked at the Embassy in which Mr. Assange is “staying”, I would find a reason for an extended leave of absence. Say, until after the US election, or HRC goes down.

    Explosives don’t discriminate.

  2. Mr. Assange better give Dick Morris a phone call and find out how he’s escaped suicide all these years. He must have something on the Clits sealed in a mayonnaise jar in a Union Station Amtrak locker.

    This is real. This is scary.
    This is real scary. 🙁

  3. Will the new WikiLeaks revelations captivate the media?
    Past experience and actions of the media is unshakable in their support of international progressive/socialism and those who carry the banner.

    The media elite are “all in”; objective journalism, viewership and money are insignificant to their agenda and purpose. They are in it for the long haul, the control and power of future influence of the masses.

    The US media’s desire is to pick the bones of a Nation once known as the beacon of freedom, free enterprise, law and order and replace it with the UN and international Governance.

    The elite media has become the Ministry of Propaganda/Misinformation.

  4. Anonymous, timing is everything. The longer he has to assemble his evidence, the more Hillary will sweat.

    Having said that, I think two weeks before the election would be perfect. It would be too close for her to do anything about it except wallow in misery and anxiety, but would give voters enough time to study the leaks so as to make an informed election choice.

    I have already predicted October 26 as Dump Day for all of the foregoing reason. Plus it’s Madam Queen’s 69th birthday.


  5. We’re running out of time for strategery. It’s 70ish days.
    I think assange is being coy because he’s already played his best cards and is trying to hold onto whatever media buzz he has left.

    I get the strategery bit. But if doesn’t play a hand soon, like in the next week, then he’s another fraud playing us.

    Plus. What earth shaking thing could he reveal about these murderous money grubbing grifters? Or that Huma is a terrorist.
    Smart people already know that.

    Sorry but my patience is growing thin with all these insider info charlatans. Pony up or shut up.

  6. I’m curious about his motive behind this whole bit. I thought he was a standup guy until I found out he actually leaked the names of hundreds of homosexuals who reside in Muslim countries, therefore putting them at great risk to be murdered. Not cool…not cool at all. What was the motivation for that act of cruelty?

  7. Gwenn how do we know if that is true or just pre-Hillary leaks smearing of Assange? Doing a quick check it appears the reports of that type leak happened in the last few days.
    I guess I could go check the Wikileaks site itself but that will have to wait until tomorrow.
    If true it is an act of cruelty as you said.

  8. Eugenia…I can’t say with certainty these new leaks are true but I checked at least 7 other sites to verify it I found nothing but the same reports, none denying. Thanks for the DC link.

  9. Y’know … it’s kinda fuckin sad that Julian Assange is more honest, more honorable, and more believable than most (Ha!) of our politicians.

    With Mr. Trump’s backpedalling on allowing the illegal-alien-invading-rat-people to maintain their infestation, Assange is certainly more believable than our Presidential contenders (including Johnson and Stein).

    izlamo delenda est …

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