Polling says the French are done with Macron – IOTW Report

Polling says the French are done with Macron

Talk is cheap. Will France actually vote him out? Send him and his mom-wife packing?


Poll: 69 Per Cent of French Predict Macron Will Lose Next Election

A poll has revealed that over two-thirds of the French public believe that current French President Emmanuel Macron will not be reelected in 2022.

The poll, which was conducted by the Elabe Institute, reveals that the French president has lost voters since 2017 with just 74 per cent of people who voted for him in the first round of the presidential race saying they would do so again in 2022, BFMTV reports.

Many French are becoming increasingly critical of the policies of Macron, as well, with 62 per cent saying they are disappointed and just 14 per cent stating they are satisfied by his term as president so far.

While Mr Macron has, to date, not publicly addressed whether he will be seeking a second term as president, 69 per cent of the poll respondents said that they do not expect him to be able to win the 2022 election.

Populist National Rally (RN) leader Marine Le Pen, who came in second in the 2017 election, announced her intentions to run for president again in 2022 earlier this month. read more

16 Comments on Polling says the French are done with Macron

  1. Frogs need to man up, vote out the libs. Abandon socialism, especially welfare. After that they need to expel their inbred, Satan worshiping, worthless human garbage Muslims. Muslims have just about destroyed Europe. Send them all back to their 7th century third world shit holes.

  2. As I recall the French (frogs) wanted John Kerry to be presidunce.

    After he’s tried, convicted, and executed for treason and corruption they can have him.
    (a dead John Kerry’s better than a live Maricon – or so I’ve heard)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. …too late, you’re at critical Muzz mass already.


    Good job Frogs. We’ve got our OWN problems,can’t do YOURS this time.

    Enjoy you’re Shari’a, here, sing this ironically while you’re waiting for the sword to fall…

    “Arise, children of the Fatherland,
    The day of glory has arrived!
    Against us tyranny’s
    Bloody banner is raised,
    Bloody banner is raised.
    Do you hear, in the countryside,
    The roar of those ferocious soldiers?
    They’re coming right into your arms
    To cut the throats of your sons, your women!

    To arms, citizens,
    Form your battalions,
    Let’s march, let’s march!
    Let an impure blood
    Soak our fields!”
    “La Marseillaise”, by some French dude.


  4. Bob M. – IKR???

    If he must be on this side of the Atlantic, send his ass to Canada (the French part).
    He can play with the Douche and Douchess of Sussex’s kid. And his mom/wife will have tea with them while she tells the ex-royals all about how much Macron has grown, his favorite pizza toppings, and how she finally got him to stop jumping on the bed after they have sex.

  5. Robert Heinlein remarked that “as to the French
    you can never expect reasonable politics from
    a people who consider a cup of coffee and a croissant
    to be a good breakfast.”

  6. I thot the Frog nationalist anthelm was “The Mayonnaise.”

    “It fears the cold,
    It’s white
    and Jelly-like.
    With ham,
    or Salad,
    with Savoir-faire,
    you can smear it on
    your sammiches!
    We Surrender!
    We Surrender!
    We Surrender!
    Not as quick as the Wops,
    but it’s all the same in the end.”
    (looses a little in the translation)

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