Poltifact Takes Issue With Death Rates Among Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated in The UK – IOTW Report

Poltifact Takes Issue With Death Rates Among Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated in The UK


COVID-19 death rates in England are higher among vaccinated people than unvaccinated.

PolitiFact’s ruling: False

Here’s why: Referencing one chart in a 30-page report while omitting important context, bloggers falsely claimed in an article that COVID-19 death rates in England are much higher among vaccinated people than unvaccinated. More

At issue here are the “rates” of death in the two different populations (vaccinated vs. unvaccinated) not the total population of the UK. PolitiFacts can’t dispute is that 4 times more of the vaccinated have died than the unvaccinated. UK. They also ignore that the vaccines are suppose to significantly prevent deaths, does that look like they are working as advertised? And don’t get me started on excluding adverse (i.e. deaths) caused by the vaccines themselves which should be included in the vaccinated population count, since those deaths wouldn’t of happened had the victim remained unvaccinated.- Dr. Tar