#PoopyPantsBiden 💩 – IOTW Report

#PoopyPantsBiden 💩


Biden is making waves on social media again but
for all the wrong reasons. Many are wondering whether there is any truth to rumors that Biden had a “bathroom incident” during his meeting with the Pope at the Vatican, causing the hashtag #poopypantsbiden to trend on Twitter. More

27 Comments on #PoopyPantsBiden 💩

  1. Don’t care about his pedophile pants.

    I’m more concerned with the way he openly shits on the Constitution every single day, and no one seems bothered by seeing him do THAT.

  2. I wonder if the pope finally pulled his head out and consigned Old Joe to hell for various violations of Catholic dogma, causing Joe to lighten his load, so to speak.

  3. “bathroom incident”? Nah, I’d say his Depend malfunctioned. Wasn’t he heard recently saying “I wiped my butt” or something like that? I wouldn’t put it past that shithead.

  4. Joey went to Rome which was so far from home. He saw the latest pope and acted like a dope. He said excuse me man, I hope you understand. I think I dropped a load so I better hit the road.

  5. I read elsewhere today that our fearless husk is on the drug Namenta. It is used in dementia patients to help them function with the basics. My poor maternal grandmother was on it for a time early on in her struggle with dementia. One of the many side effects is loose bowels. That aside, does the president(usurper) really require a motorcade of 85 cars? The husk makes the jug-eared messiah look like a mere piker when he & Big Mike wanted to lord over us commoners with their 40 car motorcades.

  6. “Bless me father for I have shit.” (-Jerry Manderin)

    “It’s been 50 years since my last confession. Oh, shit. I just did it again.”

    “Jesus H. Christ!”

    “No, its, you know, go, you know, THE THING! Sorry, I gotta go.”


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