Poor Joe Biden: Out to ‘rebuild’ the middle class Trump has already rebuilt – IOTW Report

Poor Joe Biden: Out to ‘rebuild’ the middle class Trump has already rebuilt


Is there anything more wretched than a leftist who’s late to the party?

Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden says he got a new something to offer us — a promise to “rebuild” the middle class.

The Democrat will hold his first big campaign event Monday in Pittsburgh to lay out his “vision for rebuilding America’s middle class,” his campaign said.

Biden spokeswoman Kate Bedingfield said Mr. Biden’s ability to raise $6.3 million in the first 24 hours of his campaign last week shows that Americans are ready, in part, for someone who can “rebuild the middle class so everyone gets a fair shot.”

Umm, that train left the station two years ago, Joe.  President Trump has taken care of the problem.

Biden, who was vice president during the Obama years of extended sub-par economic growth, seems to think that Americans would gladly give up their 4% unemployment rate, low inflation, and 3.2% economic growth in exchange for…what, the Obama economy all over again?  Scrap the record-low unemployment for blacks, women, Latinos, and everyone else on the outside looking in, and put them all back on food stamps?  Mo’bama?


12 Comments on Poor Joe Biden: Out to ‘rebuild’ the middle class Trump has already rebuilt

  1. Gird your loins. This is a big f!cking deal! Get me Jon “the magician” Corzine on the phone. He knows the some of the best economic illusions I’ve ever seen, in fact, “he’s the smartest guy I know”.

  2. …it’s something Barry taught him. Find a crowd that’s going somewhere, get in front of it, then claim credit for it.

    …works good when the media will back you up because they like your politics and hate facts, as Barky could tell you…

  3. Joe Blow Biden just wants to be sure he is credited with a job that has been done by some body else, he would not even have the foggiest idea of where to start. Joe learned how to usurp when working with Oblowme.

  4. He wants to put the poor and middle class “back in chains”– the chains of massive, all powerful, high-taxing government.

    (However, in all fairness, all the democrat candidates want to do this…)

  5. Joe wants to ‘rebuild’ the largest source of government income that the US has ever been historically thieved from by politicians.
    Because it’s never enough,

  6. Jackass Joe wuz havin a hard time talking at the speech to the paid Union shills last night.
    The only thing worse than a crazy Buffoon is an old, half-drunk, crazy Buffoon trying to act like the big, tough guy. Really, really pathetic! It’s hard for me to believe THIS old asshole is whut the Rats are staking their future on! It’s also why I think we’ve not yet seen their ultimate candidate, someone who will emerge from the backroom of nowhere like the Kenyan Kremepuff did in 07. If nothing else, Rats are devious!

  7. Sorry joey- that position is filled
    It doesn’t surprise me that he would claim the work of another as being from his hand. He has committed plagiarism multiple times, both while in law school and in his campaign speeches.
    It is doubtful he has a single creative creative thought in his botoxed, hair plugged, face lifted head.
    When is he going to get on a table or countertop?

    Has anyone ever seen biden grope a black person, or smell their hair? How about though their face? Yeah, didn’t think so. What’s up with that joe? I thought he said he is that way with everyone.

  8. JayPee – Now THAT’s a real statement right thar!
    Whut yer impying is that Hillary was so despicable, detestable and repulsive that not even Soros could stomach her! Why it never even occurred to me that Soros had any standards at all!


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