Pootie and Short Round Sitting in a Tree… – IOTW Report

Pootie and Short Round Sitting in a Tree…

Short Round gave him a pair of hunting dogs (Must not have been hungry).

6 Comments on Pootie and Short Round Sitting in a Tree…

  1. “The act of gifting a vehicle to Kim reportedly constitutes a violation of U.N. Security Council sanctions that ban the supply, sale, and transfer of luxury items to North Korea. The sanctions were the result of North Korea refusing to engage in its illegal nuclear weapons development.”

    I’ll bet Kim and Putin are shitting in their pants.

  2. So, what was Putin’s visit REALLY about?

    Can North Korea produce:
    _______________ and
    _______________ and
    _______________ furthermore,
    to aid in their war/replenishment with/from Ukraine?

    Lots of payment options.

  3. @Say What?

    More shit than Biden and Zelensky produce?

    I don’t know why Putin has a hard-on for NK, but why does the US have a hard-on for Ukraine, that virtuous country of freedom and Human Rights?

    For the US, I see only crooked deals with the Ukes. Nothing else. What’s Ukraine to Russia, which has zillions of tons of resources? I go back to Russia wanting eastern Ukraine, mostly Russian, which does not want anything more to do with Ukraine.


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