Pope Declares 1,000-Year-Old Practice of Celibacy “Temporary” – IOTW Report

Pope Declares 1,000-Year-Old Practice of Celibacy “Temporary”

UK Daily Mail

The Catholic Church is open to reviewing its thousand-year-old practice of celibacy, Pope Francis has suggested.

He said the ban was only ‘temporary’ and there was also ‘no contradiction’ for a priest to marry.

Celibacy was made a requirement by the Catholic Church in the 11th-century for financial reasons, as clergy without children were more likely to leave their wealth to the church. More

31 Comments on Pope Declares 1,000-Year-Old Practice of Celibacy “Temporary”

  1. Somebody tell me how 1000 years of forced celibacy within the Catholic church has been temporary. I don’t get it, probably because I’m not Catholic and come from a very Protestant WASP background. 1000 years looks and acts like it has become a permanent fixture within the Catholic church instead of temporary. Temporary to me means to be of a short condition existing only for a limited period of time. Good luck with defining temporary Catholics, it’s going to take more than a Marxist Pope to fix this mess.

  2. What Kcir said but I’m not Catholic and don’t care that much. I guess they always defined being celibate as not having sex with women, altar boys and other men fair game.

  3. Geoff and others. Two things – sodomitical priests aren’t that way because of a lack of p+–y, but because they were selected by other sodomites for their proclivities. This originated with the deliberate introduction of Marxist sodomites by agents of the USSR in a deliberate long term plan (largely successful) to degrade and destroy the Church’s moral authority. See Bella Dodd’s testimony in the 1950’s to the HCUA. She personally placed over 1100 such agents. By the time Vatican 2 rolled around (’63) they were well ensconced in the highest levels of authority. See Cardinal Bernardin in Chicago for poster child example, one of Lil’ Barry Soetero’s “mentors.

    Second thing – In the Old Testament priesthood the (married) priests were to be celibate when on Temple duty offering sacrifice. This was not a year round duty but only a few months a year, spaced out. A Catholic priest on the other hand is (supposed to) say Mass, aka offer sacrifice) daily, by himself if no public Mass is scheduled. This begins at consecration and ends at death. So, celibacy. I will be happy to answer any questions about the Catholic faith that regular readers here might have. I’m no canon lawyer but have a decent grasp of the fundamentals. H/T Ann Barnhardt and this site, who introduced me to the Catholic faith in 2011. Born and raised evangelical Protestant, Catholic since 2012

  4. Of course no story about the Catholic Church would be complete without at least one big lie. In this case, the article says priestly celibacy was instituted in the 11th century for “financial reasons” so when a priest died he would “leave his wealth to the church”. What nonsense. It was formalized in the 11th century, but documentation exists that shows celibacy was required way back in the early 4th century. Here is more if anyone cares:

  5. Was going to make a comment, but yous guys seem to being doing just fine without my meager efforts.

    Did I mention I spent a very short time in seminary about fifty years ago?
    Join the fast. Give up organized religion for lent (or life).
    Works for me…
    IN NOMINE Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, Amen.

  6. Threw up my quick little comment while NIdahoCatholic was posting his (no pun intended).

    I defer to his much more current and better edjumacated background for any future questions.

    My experience was as or when the the outfit was being destroyed from within.

    All power to those who still have the energy and faith to keep up the fight.

  7. @ Kcir MARCH 14, 2023 AT 8:11 PM

    Not priests, infiltrators. The idiocy of worshipping fallible human beings is what leads to this. My mother, God rest her soul, would never think of critically examining any one who had, by hook or by crook, wormed their way into any position in The Church. That is a damnable practice and it leads to nothing good.

    As for this filthy reprobate, Bergoglio… .. he is a Marxist/Satanist and a wicked and evil man who has absolutely no legitimacy whatsoever. He isn’t fit to lick the soles of Pope Benedict XVI,s shoes.

    Send him back to the bathhouses of Buenos Aires where he can be with his own kind.

  8. Akin to GWB’s girl Yellen saying 12 months ago; that the 18 month high inflation was “TRANSITORY”!

    If “transitory” means – lasting only a few years – then she, and he are right!

  9. Doesn’t look those hands have done a day of work ever.
    From what I’ve seen the Catholic Church has done great harm in helping to harbor illegal aliens in the US for government cheese. I can only conclude that they’re part of the plan to fundamentally transform America.

  10. Toenex and others. Remember the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie Total Recall? An alien was living in a guy’s chest and was controlling him. Yeah, that’s the Novus Ordo alien controlling the Church. Vatican 2 was an asteroid strike that just keeps on delivering destruction. Especially with the installation of Antipope Bergoglio. Kind of like Biden in a way, yet squatting in a Divinely inspired office. Those “Catholics” referring to those who make money on the illegal alien racket are Catholic in name only. Kind of like Murkowski and Romney. Except not “Republicans.”

    There are a lot of good people who attend the Novus Ordo because (a) they don’t know any better, or (b) because there are no Tridentine Latin Masses available near by. I highly encourage anyone reading this and and all interested in the Catholic faith to find a Latin Mass. Look for FSSP, SSPX, or ICKSP among others. It is an ancient monk brewed ale with a formula in part almost two millennia old made with the finest ingredients, to Bud Lite. With Novus Ordo (where have we seen those words before, yeah on our Freemasonic money “Novus Ordo Seclorum – New World Order) being Bud Lite.

  11. Way back when, the Priests, Bishops, etc., were like royalty and were well off, owning land, etc.. This was passed to families instead of the church when they died. The church didn’t like losing the money so celibacy became the rule.
    If it’s still available, read Vicars of Christ. Not much has changed.


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