Pope Francis: Opponents of Mass Muslim Migration Sow ‘Violence, Racial Discrimination and Xenophobia’ – IOTW Report

Pope Francis: Opponents of Mass Muslim Migration Sow ‘Violence, Racial Discrimination and Xenophobia’

Pope Francis is a victim-blamer.

Geller Report; Pope to Europe: Drop dead.

If defending Europe is “violence, racial discrimination, and xenophobia,” then before too long it will no longer be Europe, but another Muslim land. That appears to be what this Pope wants.

Why was Benedict XVI forced out, and by whom?

Pope Francis is the most pro-Islamic, subjugated Pope in modern history. Yet they still threaten to kill him, which is further proof that submission and accommodation to Islam is perceived as weakness and gives way to more demands, more conquest, more attacks in the cause of Islam.

This Pope is a disgrace. He is selling out his people, condemning them to futures of unimaginable misery.  more

28 Comments on Pope Francis: Opponents of Mass Muslim Migration Sow ‘Violence, Racial Discrimination and Xenophobia’

  1. Up next, a bizarre and way overly sensual kissing scene between this obvious perv and whoever; a boy, a migrant’s feet, a statue or whatever he gets him feeling weirdly amorous.

    Google; “Pope Francis kissing” and you will be stunned. PERV

  2. Echo Little Morphin Annie. Italians aren’t his people. Europeans aren’t his people. Traditional Catholics aren’t his people.

    Send the Muzzloids to Argentina.

  3. So Pope Frank is once again lecturing us?

    He is pro-Gay Marriage
    He is pro-Socialism
    He is Pro-GLobal Warming Scam
    He is Anti-Capitalist
    He is anti-Science
    He is anti-Christianity (see latest pro-Islamic utterance)

    Typical Jesuit. This asshole is a Communist or the Anti-Christ. Maybe both.


  4. Pope you go first.
    You make sure that your fence around your Vatican is down
    You make sure yo take the criminals illegal Muslim in the Vatican.
    You fuck socialists ass bitch.

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