Pope Praises UAE, Known For Torture And Forced Disappearances, For Striving For Freedom And Diversity – IOTW Report

Pope Praises UAE, Known For Torture And Forced Disappearances, For Striving For Freedom And Diversity

Daily Caller: Pope Francis hailed the United Arab Emirates, a majority-Muslim nation with a record of human rights violations, as a “model of coexistence” and freedom.

Francis made the comments in a video message to the people of the UAE ahead of his visit to the country, which will take place between Feb. 3 and 5.

The UAE is known for restricting free speech and assembly, sentencing criminals to flogging and stoning per Sharia law, and for the torture and forced disappearances of dissidents, activists and journalists, as well as negligence in addressing instances of sexual

The pontiff praised the country for striving to be a place where people can “find a secure place to work and live freely in respect for diversity.”

“I am happy that in a few days I will be able to visit your country, a land that strives to be a model of coexistence, human brotherhood and encounter among different civilizations and cultures where many find a secure place to work and live freely in respect for diversity,” the pope said, according to Catholic News Service.

Emirati authorities stand accused of pursuing and abducting activists and their supporting family members in 2014 for demanding a Democratic reforms process. The Arab Organization for Human Rights in the U.K. also produced a study in 2014 detailing several cases of reported abductions and the grisly methods of torture that Emirati authorities reportedly used on detainees, including severe beatings, ripping fingernails off and confinement inside a coffin for hours.  more here

11 Comments on Pope Praises UAE, Known For Torture And Forced Disappearances, For Striving For Freedom And Diversity

  1. Matthew 7:14
    Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

    The Pope isn’t even looking, he’s leading his blind sheep to darkness.

  2. I look back at what was said regarding what I had to say the day this worthless Marxist bastard was elected by the College of Cardinals… and know that the irony will never get through the thick skulls of 90+% of the morons who wanted me to retract or apologize.

  3. The Bergoglio phenomenon

    The root cause of the problem is that first off: Many of those who purport to be men of God are not and never had any calling to the priesthood in the first place. They are sexual opportunists and Marxist infiltrators. Secondarily: Way too many of those elevated to leadership positions, Bishops and Cardinals, are nothing but cheap, crass and tawdry politicians themselves, totally unfit to be in the positions they were installed in.

    Birds of a feather flock together. If there are any more Godles birds than high ranking Democrat politicians it would have to be these Godles Bishops and Cardinals.

  4. Hmm… Known for “for the torture and forced disappearances of dissidents, activists and journalists, as well as negligence in addressing instances of sexual abuse against domestic workers.” Do you think they could spare an emir? To claim he was born in Guam? And just happened to be raised in the Emirates? For the 2020 United States Presidential election?

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