Popeye – IOTW Report


This dude can pop his eyes out at will.

ht/ rob e.

19 Comments on Popeye

  1. Guy should have his own TV show – or be a New York Senator.
    We got the “Tears of a Klown” from Schmuckles the Klown – and this guy is a helluva lot more entertaining (and smarter, too).
    And if he’s willing to foul mouth and wallow in jizz and feces, he could take Amy Schumer’s gig, too!

    Have his own TV show AND be a New York Senator!
    Learn to tap dance, he’d be a triple threat.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I have Graves, it hit me 20yrs ago in my 30s, bugged my eyes out big time.. for about 5 years, I couldn’t blink or move my peepers. Finally had to have orbital decompression surgery… they grind out the sockets to make room for the eyes, (sort of like porting and polishing cylinder heads).. they’re still pretty bugged, but I have mobility and can blink.

  3. Bongopoofter, wife had the same issue. Fortunately
    we got help before it got as bad as yours. Had
    a thyroidectomy thank god. After removal they did
    an autopsy on it and found an active cancer tumor
    that would have spread as lymphoma.
    The good lord blessed us that year.

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