“Popeye” The Next Icon to Get “Woke” – IOTW Report

“Popeye” The Next Icon to Get “Woke”


After nearly a hundred years in existence, the Popeye comic strip is reportedly getting a woke makeover, with the strip’s latest cartoonist promising more ethnic diversity and “more characters who aren’t heterosexual.”

Cartoonist Randal K. Milholland described the Popeye character as being “gender fluid,” citing old episodes in which the plot required Popeye to dress in drag. More

46 Comments on “Popeye” The Next Icon to Get “Woke”

  1. “I [want] to bring in more characters who aren’t heterosexual,” Milholland said in an interview with the San Antonio Express-News. “I don’t live in that purely straight white world, and I don’t think a lot of other people do either.”

    I wish the original creator could come back and kick this guy’s ass.

  2. The leftist pervs have to destroy everything!! Why can they not create their own original freak show characters and leave Popeye normal for crying out loud?!!

    I am tired of this crap.

  3. @Conservative Cowgirl

    Because they don’t have an original bone in their body.

    Unable to create anything themselves they glom on to the work of others and then manipulate that to their ends.

    Pathetic really, lacking the mental capacity, the ingenuity, and the initiative to make something themselves, they steal then pervert. Losers, all of them.

  4. I’m tellin’ ya, I think Wimpy is behind all this. Can you imagine the psychological damage that has been inflicted on that man being called Wimpy all his life? I don’t think that it was a hamburger he was willing to pay for on Tuesday if only he could get it today.

  5. I am a Popeye afficionado, I have all 6 volumes of The EC Segar Popeye comic strips from his creation of Popeye in Thimble Theater in the early 30’s to the last Segar drawn Popeye daily and Sunday comic strips about 1937-38 or so. All the original Popeye comic strips were republished in the early 2000’s by Fantagraphic books out of Seattle. These books were a gift to myself because I have loved the Popeye comic strip since I was a kid back in the 1960’s. Popeye was totally politically incorrect and funny as hell then and still is now. Segar gave us such enduring characters as the gluttonous J Wellington Wimpy, “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.” Bluto, Popeyes arch foe, the whole Oyl family, Olive Oyl, her bumbling brother Castor Oyl and his parents Coal and Nana Oyl, the Seahag, Alice the Goon, my personal favorite Eugene the semi unofficial invisible Jeep (supposedly the Jeep automobiles were named after him) who ate nothing but orchids, Swee Pea, Popeye’s adopted infink son and Popeyes’s dad ol’ Poopdeck Pappy (Ray Walston did a great job of portraying Poopdeck Pappy in the Popeye movie with Robin Williams as Popeye) and Roughhouse the cook who hated Wimpy because Wimpy was always trying to finagle free hamburgers out of Roughhouse and many, many other wonderful characters and funny stories during the 30’s. These are books I am going to read and share with my little grandson when he gets to be older and turn him into a big Popeye fan also. Popeye and his humor were timeless in his fantastic stories and adventures. I am also going to share and watch old Johnny Weismuller Tarzan movies with my grandson just like my grandfather did with me back in the early to mid 60’s. Popeye’s humor is immortal and will live forever, the morons who want to destroy Popeye and make him woke are not. If EC Segar and Popeye came back from the dead they both would tell these woke morons that they’re disgustipated with a neutered, watered down, pansy, candy ass character that they want to remake Popeye into. Leave Popeye alone you friggin, worthless, woketards and go peddle your woke bs elsewhere.

  6. LMAO Do you really want me to believe that in 2022 Popeye is relavent? Do kids today read Popeye? Really? LOL.
    This is nothing but a woke relaunch is to destroy what Popeye represented for decades.

  7. OK, lefties, all the times when “heterosexual cartoon characters” (LOL) were in drag, IT WAS A JOKE!
    It was funny to see a burly Popeye dressed up. It was funny to see Bugs Bunny in a dress.
    Here’s a thought, do something meaningful, such as volunteering, and your self-centered existence will take on meaning. You are pathetic and pitiful.

  8. Geoff, get the Carl Barks volumes of Scrooge McDuck.

    Also, I have those Popeye comic books too. It was full of swearing, every racial stereotype ever conceived and booze.


  9. used to plant my ass down in the afternoon, after school, & watch ‘Captain Tugg’ w/ Commander Salamander & Fantail the Parrot (which was a stuffed Parrot puppet that Captain Tugg would manipulate w/ his arm shoved up the stuffed parrot’s ass … even then, we kids knew the score) while doing my homework, before I could go out & play baseball/football

    anyway, he always played Popeye cartoons that went back to the original Seger days … one of my favorites was/is the one where Popeye rescues Pappy on Goonie Island … I thought that was so cool when I was a kid … still do

    btw, this ‘remake’ is a failure from the start … no one likes the wokeness … right Nutlicks?
    go ask the Disney Star Wars crap … even worse than the woke Lucas re-make crap
    (on cable they’re begging people to watch that shitfest … for free!!!)

  10. Captain Cy was our local kids TV show back in the 50’s and 60’s. He was always showing either Popeye cartoons or Looney Tunes in the early afternoon right after school and he was always giving away Twinkies and such to kids who appeared on his program. My wife was one of the kids who got to watch his program in person, lucky her. One of my favorite as well as scary Popeye cartoons was the one where Popeye is abducted by aliens and taken to Mars to be experimented on till he gets his spinach back and destroys the aliens. I had a very active imagination as a kid and that one with the aliens scared me, I still remember that one these so many years later.

  11. NOOOOOOOOOOO……!!!!!!
    I remember growing up watching the original Popeye (B&W Thimble Theater poopdeck sliding doors), lo, those many decades ago.
    Geoff, I’m so jealous of you. Treasure that Seger collection always. I can see a day when “Fahrenheit 451” won’t be a fiction story.

  12. Also, for historical purposes, who are these Capn’ Tugs and Capn’ Cys?

    I have heard about local TV clowns. But no Captains. I grew up with nationwide TV. No hosts. Just a half hour block of cartoons at a shot.

  13. Burr knows. There’s no replacement for displacement when it comes to HP. Sadly our pal Erik has not come to this realization yet. If it has two cylinders and is air cooled, it ain’t happening. Erik should be grateful for friends like me and Burr. Kinda sorta. LOL

  14. “If it has two cylinders and is air cooled, it ain’t happening. ”

    So…….harley’s aren’t happenin’. Good to know.

    Have you taught your kidz how to rebuild engines? A VW engine is where you start. Cuz it’s easy to work on and you can readily demonstrate all the turney parts and what they do. And it’s light enough to move around easily.

    I like all things with engines that go. Except Italian engineering. Built a Moto-Guzzi once. Underwhelming. Also Jap stuff. I respect the hell out of Jap stuff. It’s just……Jap stuff. I have a teacup that has this stamped on the bottom. ‘PRODUCT OF US OCCUPIED JAPAN.’ That’s about it. Oh, and some flags from 1943 and a Marine knife with ‘Philippines 1945’ engraved on it.

    I think the real issue is that you’re threatened by Germerman efficiency and engineering. These pagan and unscrupulous bastards use 2 to 4 air cooled cylinders and still managed to challenge THE WORLD to a fistfight, not once….but twice.

    For 1/4 of the cost of an RV I have a cool ass collectors camper van that is an awesome chick magnet.

    Huge bonus extra life enhancing tip. Drive down to Baja in one. You’ll see hippies hitchhiking. There is nothing….I mean nothing, like seeing hippies recognize the bus. Their faces get soooo excited and happy. And then you drive past them. Such heart wrenching anguish in the rear view mirror.

    How much would you pay to be able to that…AT WILL.

  15. Fnucky! You cagey son of a fnorder. You missed the 4th. It was terribly, subdued. Until I shattered the peace of the valley with explody stuff. Then i ate some steroids and then I drank beer until dawn or so…..how you passed that all up is beyond me.


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