Popular Cold Remedies Being Pulled – IOTW Report

Popular Cold Remedies Being Pulled

UK Daily Mail

CVS began pulling popular over the counter cough and cold products from its shelves today because they don’t work.

The pharmacy chain is removing oral meds that contain phenylephrine as their only active ingredient, which was shown to be no better than placebo at treating a stuffy nose.

The drugs are taken by millions of Americans and include brands like Benadryl Allergy Plus Congestion, Sudafed PE, and Tylenol Cold and Flu and Severe Day & Night. More

30 Comments on Popular Cold Remedies Being Pulled

  1. You can still get Ivermectin and Fenbenzodole (sp) from the local feed store.

    The other day I could feel a cold sore beginning on my lip and I rubbed some Ivermectin paste on it. Gone the next morning.

    The stuff works.

  2. So, is phenylephrine the thing that’ll cure the next plandemic?

    Forever suspicious of these drug moves. NAC was unavailable for a long time during Covid. It was part of several “non Fauci” Covid protocols. Poof gone. The reason given was that it was “a drug”-even though it’s been an OTC supplement for years. It was a drug in 1963…

  3. My dad used to bring home an elixir from his plant and give it to us kids when we were sick. He called it ‘GI Gin’ because it was just like the stuff he got when he was in the Marines. That stuff was mostly alcohol and it packed quite a punch. It worked!

  4. TSquared — Haha! Yeah, I “overdose” vitamin C when I need to resolve the other problem — constipation. It’ll clean your pipes right out and quick! But the C doesn’t harm you, and it beats sauerkraut juice. My digestive system acts up whenever I pack a suitcase for travel.

  5. A combo of Quercitin, Vit D & Zinc will drive a cold or covid out.
    Probably why the FDA has been trying to shutter the supplement industry for years.
    That other stuff just gives me a foggy feeling for days.

  6. Warmed up Jim Beam with honey and lemon works most of the time.

    The FedGov is, as usual, disingenuous at best – criminally malicious at worst.
    If the FedGov says it’s a beautiful morning, you best go back to sleep cuz the Sun hasn’t risen yet – and won’t for a few more hours.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Beachmom is SPOT ON!!! I add Vitamin C to that mix and haven’t had a cold or flu in 2 years. Haven’t had COVID either, and I refused to take the jab. I’ll get pseudoephedrine every so often, but phenylephrine is garbage. Never worked, not worth the box it came in.

  8. What Beachmom said…

    Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid). 800mg

    Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 125mcg

    Zinc (as zinc sulfate) 30mg

    Quercitin 500mg

    I took this dose every 12 hours as soon as I felt the first twinge of sickness, and for a week, I felt like I was on the verge of getting the flu or a cold, but it never got beyond that.

    Incidentally, the dosage I listed is the same as the product “Z-Stack” but I had most of the ingredients already, so I bought Quercitin and made my own, long before I felt a hint of sickness.

    And another intersting thing is that I had noticed Quercitin for sale at Costco several years ago, but when I went there to buy it last year, they said it was discontinued. Probably just a business decision, but who knows anymore what drives some product availability.

  9. Dr. Hambone – that GI Gin you speak of was called Terpin Hydrate & Codeine. It was the best medicine and had been around for over 100 years. It has not been banned, but discouraged from use by the FDA. (??) It can still be obtained with a prescription and filled at a compounding pharmacy ($$$).

  10. When I was recovering from pneumonia in 2022 I discovered that the cough suppressant Delsyn / dextromethorphan was better at clearing a stuffy nose than an decongestant. With the bonus that it doesn’t raise blood pressure as much either.

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