Popular Leftist Twitter Account Quits After Being Attacked For Calling Out Racism Against White Person – IOTW Report

Popular Leftist Twitter Account Quits After Being Attacked For Calling Out Racism Against White Person

Daily Caller: A popular Twitter account that spends its entire existence on the platform calling out so-called racism quit the platform Tuesday after users attacked the account for pointing out a racist attack against a white person.

The Twitter account, @RacismDog, has over 700,000 followers and spends a notable amount of its time attacking President Donald Trump. In some instances it will find acts of racism. When it points out something racist it tweets at the account by “barking” or “woofing” at them.

In a now-deleted tweet, @RacismDog called out the racism in a local ABC news report about a black woman saying she hated white people and attacked white passengers on a bus.  MORE

12 Comments on Popular Leftist Twitter Account Quits After Being Attacked For Calling Out Racism Against White Person

  1. I read yesterday that about 60 people are preparing to sue the SPLC after the SPLC’s huge $3,000,000 loss to Quilliam in a lawsuit. These leftist Race & Hate jackals have gotten a free ride for a long time, with no repercussions. Maybe the worm is turning.

    BTW, SPLC upper management has been ALL WHITE for over 40 years. I like to mention that whenever I can.

  2. Remind me again about the “power structure” when accurately identifying black on white racism is grounds for punishing the person who noticed it.

    And Sociology is not a real discipline.

  3. There are white peoples who were sold into slavery and held there for many more years than the black slaves brought to N America. When they escaped slavery, they moved on.

  4. If you are trying to fight this with logic and reason, stop it right now. The left can crank out absurdities at speeds and volumes that are orders of magnitude greater than what intelligent people can rebuff with reasoning. Their goal is not to win, but to make you quit. So just tell them to pound sand.

    It’s the only way to rebuke someone whose political views can (and usually do) fit on a bumper sticker.


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