Population “Expert” Wants “Pause” in Population Growth for the Good of the “Climate” – IOTW Report

Population “Expert” Wants “Pause” in Population Growth for the Good of the “Climate”


The time has come to halt America’s population growth, according to a demographic expert who claims such “stabilization” would help address the “climate emergency” with the United States serving as “an exemplary model for other countries to emulate.” 

In an essay published in The Hill on Monday titled “After years of US population growth, it’s time for a pause,” former director of the United Nations Population Division Joseph Chamie argued that by curbing its population growth, America would have an easier time solving its major problems. More

26 Comments on Population “Expert” Wants “Pause” in Population Growth for the Good of the “Climate”

  1. Uh, yeah. Except they’ll pro-actively speed up the pause and make it a severe decline.

    What they started in 1974 (Roe v Wade) is not killing quite enough garbage creating, pollution spewing humans. And we thought Nazis were the most evil people ever.

  2. @ No mercy

    Yep, and we also get to help the population in the US by sending anyone here illegally back to where they came from.

    Just doing what our betters want us to do.

  3. The US total fertility rate is now below 2. 2.05 is considered replacement rate in western nations, and we are below replacement rates. Any population growth is almost certainly due to immigration (much of it illegal) and the propensity of immigrants from third world countries to have larger families.

    We are in a situation where the country is graying, or becoming older. Socialists should be very worried about this; socialism is a form of Ponzi scheme where a large number of workers is needed to support a smaller number of retirees. Think of it as a pyramid with productive workers at the base; at some point with a decrease in births the base of the pyramid will be smaller than the top and the thing will collapse. Assuming, of course, that Biden’s policies don’t collapse it first.

  4. Deport all the rat-people – starting with Joey Biden.

    Another Malthusian bullshit artist. These people are consumed by their paranoia.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Search for the article that appeared on American Thinker titled; ‘The Socialist Phobia of Scarcity’. The proggies are afraid that we’re going to run out of pretty much everything. Oil, gas, water, air, food. Because they have these deep-seated fears that they can’t shake, all of us must change. We weren’t doing it willingly and quickly enough to satisfy them so it all must be accelerated.

    The pisser is that their fears will never be assuaged. We’ll never be doing enough and it will never be fast enough. No matter what the fear du jour is, it’s very real to them.

    I’ve been hearing their fears vocalized for about 40 years. We’re always on the brink of disaster. At some point their fears will deem it necessary in their minds to murder us on a massive scale. History teaches us that.

    Despite all the advancements in technology, medicine, energy, you name it, human beings still think like members of a tribe. I’m not a member of their tribe so I am the enemy.

    But you know what? The feeling is mutual. It’s all going to come down to who wins and who loses.

  6. Yet another Chicken Little liar…a reboot of Paul Ehrlich and his “The Population Bomb (1968) and “The Population Explosion” (1991) idiocy. Same story different moron PhD.

  7. The elite utopian fantasy does not include the “masses”. That is why they want American citizens barren and broke.
    After illegals outlive their usefulness as criiminalized tools who contribute to American decline, they’ll be left to turn on each other eliminating another population the progressive elite hate.

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